Change Your Life and This World with The True Faith and an In-depth Understanding of The Lord's Messages

     God is the English name man gives to The Eternal Being as the holder of infinite power,  supreme authority, the source of all knowledge and of all wisdom, who is The Creator embodying agapé love, compassion and altruism. He has gone to great lengths to create this world and make man in His own likeness. Thus God has gifted every human being a precious life along with, ultimately, infinite intelligence and freewill to tap man's dormant talents and achieve authority. However people can also be constantly engaged in trivial pursuits or materialistic gains as they overlook utilizing spare time to obtain in-depth understanding of the Christian's scriptures and thus make their lives fulfilling and inspiring.

     This life, which has been gifted to us by God, is an opportunity to realize the divinity within ourselves upon accepting Jesus as our Lord and thereby attain salvation which will free us from our sin. In fact, to a Christian, good works are not a counterweight to offset bad works. This is a worldly point of view of false religions. The Christian viewpoint is clear from the New Testament teaching scriptures – we are saved by grace, which is God's bestowing of undeserved merit, and by grace alone, lest any man shall boast. The Christians know it is not possible to work your way into God's presence or His favour. Rather, Christianity teaches it is by Faith and Grace and serving God willingly as His servant through an eternal loving relationship born of this faith and grace – of understanding that for which The Lord hung and suffered on the cross for each of us as He bore our sins in reconciliation to the purity of God where sin shall not exist.

     God speaks to us collectively through His prophets whom He loves: to make known to His people the mysteries of God (e.g. declaring edicts within the edifice of God, health, Holiness, various sacraments, rites of passage at turning points in life); to bring nations to account for sin within their midst (e.g. abortion); for leaving the path to God (e.g. not bringing their children up in the ways of God); for worshipping idols when they should know better (e.g. of gold, of clay, of wood, of brass, of plastic etc.); for making images of their false Gods as introduced by man (e.g. temples and statues falsely accepting offerings and the worship of man). Faith in God and in his Messages can work wonders in your life. With faith based on truth, on the fear (reverence) of God, on His interaction with the lives of man, on values based on the integrity of the human spirit with a subjugated soul - then one is well-equipped to take everything in one's righteous stride.

     Items on aspects of an ‘End of World’ scenario appear to be gaining increasing media coverage these days. However this has been foretold, under different headings, nearly two thousand years ago by The Lord Jesus at the end of His earthly ministry; and also by the Apostle John, on the Island of Patmos, when recording the Book of Revelation. One can find out all about Bible prophecy end times by reading The Bible as the Holy Book of Christianity. If you want to know about end of times prophecies, god judgment and messianic times then you can log on at The site consists of thousands of truths in the form of Divine messages and has been designed to spread the messages of The Lord and to so inspire others in the leading of considerate and righteous lives. For righteousness is the harbinger of peace


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