Having a Life Purposeful and Fulfilled with Human Values Acceptable to God

     All situations and happenings in one’s life occur following universal and changeless laws of God and of His nature. These laws of human existence ultimately govern all internal and external processes in our environment which manifest themselves in various causes and events. Our choices and our decisions in our lives have an important role to play in determining the quality of the lives we lead. They have a powerful impact not only on us but on the lives of our kith and kin as well as colleagues. All human beings have been endowed with a freewill, an infinite intelligence and wisdom through which they can make or mar their lives. The destiny of each person lies in his or her own hands.

     The Christian faith teaches us the true way to attain our individual salvation which is the noblest way to experience our birth, death and rebirth from the grave. In the holy scriptures of The Bible the Christian preaching and messages of The Lord Jesus truly show us the way to live a human life of wonder which can be filled with love, blessings from walking in the favour of The Lord, and the marvels of achievement through relationships. When we become entrapped in difficult situations or get depressed because of the onset of difficulties then we can sometimes temporarily lose both our hope and our faith in God: He who should be the supreme power and authority in our lives. This may well render us weak and indecisive - which is always the most opportune time for adversaries to attempt to overpower us. Sometimes weak and misguided people succumb to these misfortunes and, sadly, choose to end their lives through suicide.

     However the Christian Faith has never pre-destined such for a person and it all depends on one’s choice of the use of his or her freewill and the wisdom to direct its energy in the right direction. Regardless of your place or location in life, or your abilities and attitudes towards your life, life-changing messages of The Lord Jesus are intended for every human being whatever the age group. If you want to acquire the riches of a life of wisdom adorned with the precious gems of knowledge which are destined to pass with you through the grave then look no further than what is awaiting disclosure to you within this Christian message.

     The Website of The Lord is a unique site which has been designed and developed with the sole mission to spread the messages of The Lord Jesus, in its fullness, to the people: thereby inspiring them to adopt true human values and, in the process, make the world a better place in which to live. The site contains divine messages of The Lord in His selecting of three books - ‘The Book of Daniel’, ‘The Book of Revelation’ and ‘The Book of Ezekiel.’ Thus the site, containing the chosen prophetic books of The Lord Jesus, makes for very interesting reading: proving to be quite illuminating in knowledge and as declared by The God of Wisdom. So make it a point to explore the site for more information on its content and progress along the road of life under the guidance and the wisdom contained therein.


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