My Salvation for Eternity



The Offer of My Grace (25.6.10)


     The Lord, 

              speak to the peoples of all nations: 

                        to the peoples who speak with differing tongues; 

                        to the peoples who hate their neighbours; 

                        to the peoples who will not share their tables with travellers from across a boundary, 

                                                                                                    from across a river, 

                                                                                                    from across a mountain; 

                        to the peoples who carry weapons hidden from all except the eyes of God; 

                        to the peoples who wish ill upon, 

                                                who will not befriend, 

                                                who wear a scowl upon their brows, 

                                                who would turn their backs to walk, 

                                                who would spit upon the earth in the presence of one due for honour, 

                                                who have hearts which bury knives into their neighbours’ backs, 

                                                who offer a handclasp of deception below lips which draw a mirthless smile; 

                        to the peoples of the earth who are in clandestine armies which carry no honour to the battlefield; 

                                               those are they who are advised to turn, 

                                                                                                 to take a new direction, 

                                                                                                 to seek a different goal, 

                                                                                                 to accept a handclasp that lifts all up from their knees.


     The Lord, 

              speak to the peoples of the earth who are in need of grace, 

                                                                   who need to forego vengeance, 

                                                                   who need to forget a grudge, 

                                                                   who need to cleanse the wrongs of yesterday which still pollute today, 

                                                                   who need to change the colour of their heart, 

                                                                   who need to recognize the invasion of disaster which has beset their lives.


      The Lord, 

              speak this day to every individual who hides within the false security of the peoples of all nations, 

                               for every heart is known with its blackness of intent - 

                                   such hearts cannot blame their colour on contamination from another - 

                                                                                                on a disease that has been caught, 

                                                      cannot blame others for their own actions of freewill, 

                                                                                       for their choice in life which first led to the downward spiral which produced
                                                                                                                                                                                       a subdued spirit, 

                                                                                                                                                            a deceitful soul, 

                                                                                                                              a body which now bows to the bidding of such soul. 

                 Man is then truly captured by the evil kingdom, 

                                                            by the evil overlord, 

                                                            by the evil beings which pester, 

                                                                                          which plague, 

                                                                                          which tie in knots, 

                                                                                          which encourage lies - 

                                                                                                  lust - 

                                                                                                  idolatry - 

                                                                                                  dishonesty - 

                                                                                                  gluttony - 

                                                                                                  pornography - 

                                                                                                  substances to trap the body, 

                                   which bind the agency of man - 

                                                      the compromised freewill of man no longer free - 

                                                      the prize of a captured soul held high in triumph on the battlefield of life - 

                                                      the prize held high in victory by the evil foe of man - 

                                                      the prize of a black heart established - 

                       the pulling-down of a character within a soul which prevents a journey home, 

                                                                                                which brings a lockdown of the soul in the cell block of eternity

                                                                                                                                       where there is no courtyard for a walk.


      The Lord, 

              speak this day and know: 

                       these are they in need of My grace, 

                                                                         the redemption of My love, 

                                                                         the sanctifying of My sacrifice, 

                                                                My offer of reconciliation of man with God, 

                                                                My offer to the repentant, 

                                                                               to those who desire to change, 

                                                                               to those who want a new beginning with freedom from their pasts.


      The Lord, 

              freely offer to all who would accept My grace, 

                                 to all who would grow in faith, 

                                 to all who would commit, 

                                 to all who would know My Spirit, 

                                 to all who would seek and knock, 

                                 to all who would ask in earnestness, 

                                 to all to whom My Spirit calls, 

                                 to all who would forsake their history embedded in their past, 

                                 to all who want to shed the filth of yesterday, 

                                                                               to cleanse - 

                                                                               to refresh the soul - 

                                                                               to uplift the spirit, 

                                                                               to have a new companion, 

                                                           to reach out for a destiny of grandeur, 

                                                           to be grateful for the onward counsel, 

                                                           to receive the gifts of God, 

                                                           to dwell under the mantle of a new covenant carrying the promise of eternal life: 

                                 such as they are welcomed with great joy into the shepherd’s flock.”

* * * * * * *

My Letter Especially to You. Yes, to YOU! (6.9.12)

“Do you know I live for ever,
  do you know I care for you,
  do you know I’d like to take you with Me –
                                      to places you have never seen –
                                      to the places here on earth;
                                      to the centres among the heavens?

Do you know that I love you very much –
              even though you may have never met Me?
              Even though you may have thought I did not exist:
                                                     may have listened to the rumour mill to draw your own conclusions?

Do you know Me in relationship,
                                          or via a ship of state?
Do you seek Me so to find Me,
                                          or turn away despaired?

Are you too busy to discuss your being of existence?
        Would you like to choose your destination?
              Or follow with the crowd that cares not where its going?
Are you a good listener who would love to hear the truth?
              Or one who carries on with life and knows not where it ends?

Do you know I knew your spirit long before your birth?
Do you know I knew your grandparents when things were that much simpler and love was to the fore?
Do you know I walked with Abraham and have watched the nations grow?

Do you know I am alive and well and remember all which has been written down?

Do you know I would seek your hand to hold it high in victory,
                                                             to take you on a journey,
                                                             to disciple you in truth,
                                         to lead you home to become a child of God within My family?

For My sheep know The Good Shepherd and listen to My voice,
                                can know the wonder of discovery and find great joy within the journey home,
                                can come to know great faith and to receive the gifts of God.
For My sheep are each in possession of a temple in which My Spirit dwells.

      I love you with all My heart.
            In deed I do!
                 Invite Me.
                       Learn of Me.
                            And I will stay with you if wanted.
                                   Agapé for ever,

* * * * * * *

The Website of The Lord (Eternity) (12.6.10)

“The website of eternity speaks of love as if water in a well without a bottom -
                                                                              love so great its depths cannot be plumbed,
                                                                              love so extensive it stretches to encompass all upon the earth,
                                                                              love so uncompromising it would belittle none,
                                                                                                                                          would embrace the derelict,
                                                                                                                                          would console the desolate,
                                                                                                                                          would not define the destitute.

The website of eternity speaks of love within a life timed for sacrifice,
                                                                                      within a life timed to be laid down,
                                                                                      within a life timed for the honouring of prophecy.

The website of eternity speaks of love lifting only in an upward spiral,
                                                                                      lifting only to increase standing,
                                                                                      lifting only to the environment of God.

The website of eternity exists at the will of God,
                                                                    for the will of God,
                                                                    by the will of God,
                                                                    in the will of God,
                                                                    so the will of God may be known to man.

The website of eternity does not deceive,
                                                      does not disown,
                                                      does not discount victims of the foe of man.

The website of eternity extends the welcome of an opened door,
                                                                        of a light lit upon a lintel,
                                                                        of a father searching in the darkness for his child in grace.

Oh that man could measure the exuberance in heaven,
                                                               the greeting of the news,
                                                               the tapping on the shoulders,
                                                                                   with the declaration of each recovered soul t’was lost but now is found.

Oh that man could gauge the significance of each soul,
                                                         the effort expended on recovery,
                                                         the enormous volume appended to the call -
                                                         the call which reverberates around the earth,
                                                                                              yet falls on deafened ears.

Oh that man could pause to listen,
                                                       in the moments of his stillness,
                                       to the voice within his spirit which cries out for the notice of his soul.

Oh that man could hear the metronome of his time beats which counts down his residue of time -
                                                                                                                                                             to stop he knows not when.

Oh that man could be prepared,
                             could be made ready,
                                    for when the horror of the answers to the questions,
                                                                                                               he did not ask when under grace,
                                                                                                                                                                 will so assail his soul.”

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 The Advent Charitable Trust  
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