My Scrolls

The End-time Receptiveness of Man (23.10.13)

“The end-time receptiveness of man to God is a measure of man’s independence,

                                                                   is a measure of his needs not met,

                                                                   is a measure of his acknowledging the complexity of his surroundings –

                                                                                                                   of how he sees himself relationally when placed therein,

                                                                                     of the reason for his being in experiencing life.

The end-time receptiveness of man is a function of achievement,

                                                         is a function of the store of knowledge,

                                                         is a function of the daily needs,

                                                         is a function of the guarding of possessions,

                                                         is a function of the evaluation of a threat.

The end-time receptiveness of man is dependent on his history with God:

                                                                        of how he feels he has been treated by God,

                                                                        of how he recalls his ‘emergencies’ in life,

                                                                        of how he has been welcomed by the flock of God,

                                                                        of the level of his understanding of the reality of God within his life.

The end-time receptiveness of man is coloured by experiences with those who profess to know their God,

                                                                    by his will to investigate without a pre-condition,

                                                                    by his interest in a subject which may impact in detail both a family and each life,

                                                                    by the testimonies of relevance to his way of life which may enhance his interest.

The end-time receptiveness of man is conditioned by his peers:

                                                                                 in their regard for God,

                                                                                 in their comments on God,

                                                                                 in their perceived treatment by God.

The end-time receptiveness of man is highest at a turning point in life:

                                                                               when a decision affects a way of life,

                                                                                         affects a way of living,

                                                                         affects the building of a family,

                                                       affects the present ethics in reaching out in determining the relevance of the morality of God.

The end-time receptiveness of man sees him circling in ever greater circles of despair,

                                                                     in ever greater circles of silence,

                                                                     in ever greater circles round a centre of denial.

The end-time receptiveness of man holds out his hand to see what comes his way,

                                                          holds close his hand empty of his gratitude,

                                                          holds up his hand as a signal of enough,

                                                          holds closed his hand with all that he can seize.

The end-time receptiveness of man sees him seeking a placeholder near to God,

                                                          sees him seeking as his wisdom increases through experience,

                                                          sees him seeking as the years mount up upon the sand within his hourglass,

                                                          sees him seeking as his health deteriorates,

                                                          sees him seeking as his time approaches,

                                                          sees him seeking as his values change within his lifetime.

The end-time receptiveness of man knows the thrower of the boomerang,

                                                          knows to catch it with both hands,

                                                          knows its purpose and its trail within the sky.

The end-time receptiveness of man should leave a trail to God,

                                                should leave a history of a narrowing search,

                                       should mark a life with victory in acceptance of He who stood beside him in all his days within mortality.

The end-time receptiveness of man should terminate in triumph,

                                                          should be present at the sealing of commitment,

                                                          should navigate a well-trodden pathway to the stars,

                                                          should be present at the accolade that only God bestows,

                                                          should understand the impact of the gift of grace upon each soul,

                                                          should express his undying gratitude for the changes wrought within his spirit and his soul.”


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