My Scrolls

No Laying Waste The Works of God - Edict 4 (14.11.12)

“Edict Four from The Heavens unto The Earth.

Man who chooses to lay waste the works of God incurs accountability before The Great White Throne of God.

The works of God shall not be laid to waste by man.

The works of God are there for the benefit of man.

Man shall not deprive his fellow man of the blessings of God,

                                                     of the ordinances of God,

                                                     of the edifice of God,

                                                     of the acknowledging of God.

Man shall not deprive his fellow man of the opportunity for the belief in God,

                                                     of the evidence of God,

                                                     of the relationship with God,

                                                     of the out-workings of God,

                                                      of the destiny with God,

                                                      of the mercy of God.

Man shall not foster rebellion against God,

         shall not instruct attacks,

         shall not be on the winning side:

                                         foolish is man who starts what he cannot finish.

Man shall not bring fear into the heart of man,

        shall not lead satanic sorties,

        shall not commit to depravity,

        shall not gain by perjury when in the courts of God.

Man shall not be a welcome guest into the courts of praise while embedded sin still lies within the heart of man.

Man shall be judged by proxy when attempting to bring sin into the presence of God.

The works of God are sacrosanct and impervious to the scrabbling of man:

                               cannot be pulled down permanently in defiance of God;

                               cannot be defaced with indefinite immunity;

                               cannot be held under the control of man;

                               cannot be passed off as something which they are not;

                               always have My Spirit’s confirmation to those expectant of an answer.

The works of God know the emblem of My Spirit,

                               know the functioning of God,

                               know the beginning from the end for that within a season.

The works of God carry and achieve,

                              expand and overcome,

                              migrate across the boundaries of man,

                              complete and serve.

The works of God are benign and bountiful,

                              are provisioning and productive,

                              are precious and protective.

The works of God are for the salvation of man through faith with grace,

                              are for the judgement of man through knowledge with mercy,

                              are for the overlapping of mortality into eternity.

The works of God are sacred and resolute,

                              are built to be within mortality,

                              are built to be within eternity,

                              are built for the honouring of the enduring presence of man with God,

                              are built for the respecting of the freewill of man.

The works of God have magnificence of purpose,

                              have grandeur of design,

                              have righteousness in the intent of peace,

                              have truth intended for display,

                              have integrity in being,

                              have staying power in application,

                              have access to the vistas of the heavens.”


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