My Scrolls

Bk9 'God Speaks Now of a Seal Revealed' (42 items, 124 pages)

The Tongue of Worship

is heard only by the Thrones; is directed to the Thrones, is received by the Thrones, is acknowledged at the Thrones. At the thrones the tongue of worship is recorded in the Book of Life. ...

The Tongue of Prayer

is carried by the angels, is repeated by the angels; is a sacred trust; seeks; yearns: pleads— the tongue of prayer wants action from the thrones, supports the action of the thrones. ...

The Song of The Lord

I, the Lord, will take the land from those who would destroy it; will rest upon the land that is bequeathed; will protect the land from those who would so conquer; will uphold those who dwell in the city of the ...

The Sword of Vengeance

The Lord came upon the people in power, and defended them with the word, and transfixed them with the sword, and commended them with prayer. The people, seeing the power of God, fell to the ground in awe ...

The Call of The Lord

will echo in the valleys of the Earth; will roll across the plains of the Earth; will ascend from the mountains of the Earth; will raise the dead from their graves, clothes the freewill of man, will not lift the soul of man ...

The Fate of The Damned

Those who worship Lucifer are damned. The people of the Earth that follow the ways of Lucifer are damned. Damnation is the inheritance of the servants of the Antichrist, the Prince of Darkness, the Destroyer of ...

The Chariot of The Lord

When the Lord had surveyed His Kingdom, He raised His hand and blessed all those who were upon their knees for their voices, calling, were heard. Then the Lord called His chariot and the four living creatures, ...

The Four Living Creatures

who were in the throne room will then precede the Lord, fulfilling duties so and then assigned; are numbered by the Lord, the faces of the Lord, have the signs of the Lord; are the signals of the Lord, ...

The Lord Will Come

for those He loves— the loved of the Lord, the children of man. according to the word, will come when commissioned by the Father. The Father now commissions. The Lord now so prepares. The Lord surveys ...

The Gate to Life

is difficult to find for those who know not where to search, is impossible to open for those who do not hold the key, remains shut to those who may not pass. For those who know the way the gate to life swings ope...

The Ways of The Spirit

O, rejoice in the Spirit, rejoice with the Spirit, rejoice for the Spirit. The Spirit rejoices with the spirit of man in the courts on high, with man at the destiny of man, when man is called. ...

The Soul of God

refines; restores; renews; burnishes the soul of man; detects the soul of man, regenerates the soul of man, announces the soul of man when so prepared to serve. The soul of man shall serve in the Temple of the ...


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