My Scrolls

The English (Saxon) Gold of Significance (1 of 6) (16.7.10)

“On this day, 


            The Lord, 

                     would speak to man of the Saxon Hoard of Gold as he has already named it.

On this day shall I,

        The Lord, 

               declare its provenance, 

               speak of its origin, 

               speak of its ownership, 

               speak of the means of its burial within the earth of England.

On this day shall I, 

        The Lord, 

               recount the history of this treasure of man, 

                                              of the lives of man on which it impacted, 

                      on the secret of an age now unearthed to be again before the eyes of man.

On this day shall I, 

        The Lord, 

               so declare for the knowledge of Man to be enhanced as to his history, 

               so wisdom may prevail in bringing light into an age distorted by its darkness through its loss of the records of significance

                                                                                                   which were kept as what had been.

On this day shall I, 

        The Lord, 

               shed the light of righteousness upon the darkness of an age, 

                                                                          the darkness reflected in the hearts of man, 

                                                                          the darkness revelled in by satanic forces as demons counselled, 


                                                                                                                                  instructed in the setting

                                                                                                  of the fires of both the records and the buildings of their housing: 

                                                                                                      in which man’s mischief lay in ink on the parchment of the day.

On this day I, 

        The Lord, 

               declare this darkness brought by the enemy of man will not last for ever, 

                                                                                                 has a finite being, 

                                                                                                 will be uplifted at the will of God as a restoration of the

                                                                                                       knowledge of man for what once was and now is not - 

                                                                                                                 through the action, 

                                                                                                                        counted as success, 

                                                                                                                              by the foe of man.

For this deposit, 

        fit for archives, 

                    which was hidden within the earth in a place once known for its seclusion - 

                                              where the trees had a canopy that reduced the midday light - 

                                              where the mounted duo had no beaten track of access - 

                                                                                     had no marking of a map - 

                                                                                     had a crowded tree of grandeur, 

                                                                                                      an oak tree in its prime, 

                                                                                                        to signify the location to where there was an intention to return.

The secrets arising from the malfeasance of man often accompanies him to the grave. 

So were the culprits promptly caught.

So were the culprits promptly hanged.

So were the items due for honour secure in their resting place. 

So were the items to be disturbed by man in his tilling of the soil. 

So were the items set for discovery by the hand of man brought up to the light of day.

So are the items valued.

So are the items assessed.

So are the items displayed within the corridors of knowledge - 

                                                      the halls of preservation - 

                                                                     of the antiquities of man. 

So are they destined to again be misappropriated by the greed of man coupled with a lack of care.

These antiquities of man have been sheltered from the storms of the invaders, 

                                                                         from the eyes of greed, 

                                                                         from the feats of conquest, 

                                                                         from the tribute payments, 

                                                                         from the gathering of taxes, 

                                                                         from their theft and sale. 

By such are the antiquities of man destroyed before they are able to acquire the armour of respect borne from appreciation of the

                                                                                                      ability of man when working with his dextrous hands.

The antiquities of man have always found safe haven when interred within the seas, 

                                                                                      when interred within the earth, 

                                                                                      when deposited outside the reach of man. 

The antiquities of man were not such upon interment, 

                                     were not such in interment, 

                         became so on the breaking of the sojourn of the centuries in the darkness through exposure to the light. 

                   Overlooked stones of adornment still await uplifting into light.

These are not from a single owner not present at the burial. 

These are the results of trade - 

                                       of accumulated wealth, 

          are the results of gifts given with a price tag to impress - 

                                                        for services rendered on the field of battle, 

                                       of ancestral inheritance intact, 

                                                     passed down, 

                                                           for five generations from a frequenter of a kingdom’s court. 

These were interred in the late evening of the eighth full moon in the year 653, 

                                                                                                  by Julian nomenclature, 

                                                                                          prior to the falling of the leaves.

These were taken from the work-table - 

                                      the premises - 

                                      the vault with lock and key - 

                             of an artisan of high repute, 

                                      yet with paucity of trade.

An artisan of gold smithing who colluded in the taking of the items: 

                                                  in his care for repair, 

                                                  in his care for control of symmetry, 

                                                  in his care for exposure to a marketplace, 

                                                  in his care for additions of a style, 

                                                  in his care for duplication of a set, 

                                                  in his care for additions of elegance for a wardrobe of display, 

                                                  in his care for re-use in the fashion of the day, 

                                                  in his care as a gift for an appointed day, 

                                                  in his care for refurbishment as a result of wear, 

                                                  in his ownership awaiting sale, 

                                                  in his ownership awaiting the refiner’s fire, 

                                                  in his ownership awaiting remodelling on a whim, 

                                                  in his ownership awaiting the favour of a lady, 

                                                  in his ownership awaiting the honouring of a man familiar with a warlord, 

                                                  in his possession awaiting payment to a widow of importance for mementos of a battle

                                                                                                                                  bestowed in gratitude from a ruling king.

The price of collusion was the pre-selection by the artisan of nine items, 

                                                                                           which had the stamp of royalty, 

                                     held no longer on his premises nor contained within this mixture: 

                                             of design, 

                                             of type, 

                                             of workmanship, 

                                             of use, 

                                             of application, 

                                             of a statement of attention through the meaning of a symbol worked in gold.

This mixture scooped in handfuls, 

        then thrown into the tie-bags with a squeeze to make it fit, 

              was destined to be flung across two saddles for a ride on horseback to a ship that sailed for Ireland where it was

                                                                                            to have been selected for resale or destined for the melting pot.

The stumbling of a horse, 

        in darkness, 

              led to one dismounted man, 

              with the loyalty of the son, 

                    forced into a changed intent. 

                           An intent which focussed on the urgent seeking of a wooded spot for the secreting of the bags.

As they repeatedly scrabbled with their hands, 

        loosened with their knives: 

              so they completed a shallow excavation, 

                    just four hands in depth, 

              in which to lay the ill-begotten gains under the weight of four stomping heels.

Their proclaiming of their innocence, 

        accompanied by a limping horse of doubtful ownership, 

              recalled a drumming of the hooves which spoke of an ill-haste of urgency: 

                    which brought their protests to no avail before a crowd with deafened ears. 

                          A crowd which dragged them to a tree: 

                                                                     with two ropes upon a bough, 

                                                                     with two horses underneath.

The birthing of this treasure of man is in an enlightened age of freedom resulting from the departure of the Romans in authority: 

              where the skills of man flourished with the wealth of trade, 

                                                                      with the wealth of people at an expanding court, 

                                                                      with the people with a grant of land, 

                                                                      with the people who resided in a house of grandeur of the times, 

                                                                      with people with a Roman lineage, 

                                                                      with an inheritance secure.

These are they who were the founders of the treasure, 

                         who accumulated the fragments of display, 

                                                           the fragments with a use, 

                                                           the fragments with a statement of self-superiority, 

                                                                                                             of a birthright still in place, 

                                                                                                             of plunder from the battlefields of life: 

                                                                                       which ended in a refuge of success.

This treasure has been hunted for in vain for two centuries after its taking, 

                                                                  by those present at the hangings, 

                                                                  by those present at the goldsmith’s house to count the loss, 

                                                                  by those who heard the rumours and thought it worth their while.

No-one suffered in the treasure’s taking except the widow without payment, 

                                                                            the widow whose wellbeing was drastically affected, 

                the childless widow who had then to count her pennies rather than enjoy a purse without a bottom, 

                                                                                                                                     a purse that had offered aid,

        had willingly sustained the putting of bread upon an empty table for the hungry mouths of children in a time when faces turned away. 

                The widow remarried later in her life with joy upon her face and within her heart.

This treasure had existence which had seen the spreading of the cross 

        into the the hamlets of the country, 

        into the lives of serfs, 

        into the lives of peasants, 

        into the lives of those who tipped their caps, 

                                            who put a hand up to a forelock, 

                                            who greeted the master and the mistress of the house in the bonds of servitude.

Such as they paid little taxes, 

                     were content within their lot, 

                     suffered together with the hands of the stricken and the struck-down: 

                          which brought disease into a bedroom, 

                                                   a grave into a yard.

This time was as a new beginning, 

                saw the blossoming of the handiworks of smiths, 

                saw the growth of abbeys throughout a country, 

                                                                                         far from unity. 

                                 A country yet with regions where the force of swordsmanship was both practiced and encouraged - 

                                                                   as man’s striving for supremacy divided into struggles of promotion.

As My church spread across the land, 

                        was consolidated by a founding of belief, 

           so was it witnessed by the sacrifice of the people for an altar in their lives, 

                                                                                          for a monastery of record, 

                                                                                          for the study of the literate, 

                                                                                          for the holding of the munificence paid in tribute to the God

                                                                                                                               both of the Jews and of the Christians. 

The coming of the people into an understanding of their God brought forth the blessing of the people as the word was spread, 

                                                                                                                                      as the word was heard, 

                                                                                                                                              in the presence of an altar. 

                                           An altar defended by the protectors of position who would retain at any cost the access to a throne.

The light of righteousness was shining in the hearts of the people with commitment, 

                       the hearts that had learnt of a new morality, 

                                                               of a teaching made known from not so long before, 

                                                                                                          from not so far away, 

                           from the teacher to the follower who learnt by rote what had been heard as the message of the Christ.

     The darkness of the age is so named by the lack of knowledge which stretched into a further four centuries of the times, 

              which resulted when the manuscripts of knowledge fell, 

                                                                                                 were turned, 

                           into the ashes from within the flames of man: 

                                  the flames of man which destroyed the libraries in monasteries, 

                                         where reposed the copied texts of centuries, 

                                               arising from the penmanship of the hours of stillness on a bench.

As the flames arose, 

                             so the cheers of man enflamed.

As the flames arose, 

                             so the torches were re-lit.

As the flames arose, 

                             so new kindling was sought.

As the flames arose, 

                             so the records were destructed.

As the flames arose, 

                             so the fires were sated: 

                                            as the holdings of the land moved beyond the proof of disputation.

With the writhing of the flames so man lost the knowledge of his being, 

                                                   so man lost his reverence for God, 

                                                   so man lost - the men of deeds - their positions as a friend of God. 

The ruins ascribed to the ownership of God were the handiwork of those who would destroy a people’s way of life, 

                                                                                                                                    the church’s means of influence, 

                                                                                                                                    the authority of God, 

                                                                                                                                    the authority of His servants, 

                                                                                                                                    the measure of the conduct once

                                                                                                                                        taught and spread by martyrs: 

            that the men of deeds might all possess that to which they were not entitled except as victors in the outcome of a war.

Wise would they have been if they had not vilified, 

                                                         had not decried, 

                                                         had not demolished the outposts of The Lord. 

For the outposts of learning, 

                          of construction, 

                          of the records of a thousand years were lost within the collective rampage of the evil soul of man with

                                                                                                                the connivance of, 

                                                                                                                the encouragement by, 

                                                                                                                the destruction wrought through, 

                                                                                                                         the foe of man in his quest to capture - 

                                                                                                                                        to subvert - 

                                                                                                                               every soul of man.

The acquisitions acquired through wrongful taking are brought into the light of day, 

                                                                                  never brought a reward of wealth through an act of stealth. 

The man with a heart of covetousness, 

         yet with a goldsmith’s skills, 

                did not gain from a deed which required a lie. 

For at the attempted disposition of the nine items with the stamp, 

         so were they forcibly removed from his possession; 

                wherein he was left without recourse to a counsel of complaint - 

                                                                            which would not raise the matter of a lie.

So may these items now raised from the obscurity of the earth testify of abilities once held, 

                                                                                                               of craftsmanship once practiced, 

                                                                                                               of the designs borne within the mind of man; 

            to be now seen as the artwork of an age: 

                                                 in which the skill set was not known to exist, 

                                                 for which the record was silenced with no tongue to speak, 

                                                 by which man was deprived of what he ought to know, 

                                        through which his heritage was stolen and left as incomplete.”


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