My Scrolls

The Carriers of God's Wisdom (19.2.09)

“The sails of the fortunate are set to catch the wind.

The sails of the fortunate trade before the wind. 

The sails of the fortunate are not often caught by gusts. 

The sails of the fortunate stay on an even keel. 

The sails of the fortunate bend with a constant purpose. 

The sails of the fortunate drive the galleons of commerce.

The sails of the fortunate are not found in the doldrums of the garage,

                                                               in the doldrums of the harbour, 

                                                               in the doldrums of an airport.

The sails of the fortunate are not forced to linger in the dock. 

The sails of the fortunate are blessed with fair winds for a journey. 

The sails of the fortunate are not forsaken by its crew.

The sails of the fortunate are renowned for reliability, 

                                         are renowned for trading that is fair, 

                                         are renowned for their integrity.

The sails of the fortunate never seek to lure, 

                                         never seek to bribe, 

                                         never seek to dishonour The Standard they proclaim.

The sails of the fortunate drive the galleons worthy of their hire.

The wise seek out the galleons that are worthy. 

The wise shun the galleons of the pirates. 

The wise look past the jeopardising of the future for a benefit today.

The wise know full well the bargain of today is the robbery of tomorrow, 

                                        the pleasure of the few is the discontent of the many, 

                                        the scattering of largesse accompanies a meatless bone.

The wise do not break bread with the careless and the greedy. 

The wise do not clasp hands with commitments written in the dirt. 

The wise do not consider commitments with the stench of broken promises.

The wise are the carriers of the wisdom of God. 

The wise are made aware of the intent of a wayward heart. 

The wise are repelled by promises of gain that appeal to avarice. 

The wise are circumspect until they understand. 

The wise do not commit in haste, 

                do not have second thoughts.

The wise know the fear of God. 

The wise have been taught. 

The wise have sought.

The wise acknowledge the truth revealed, 

                                      the truth sustained, 

                                      the truth proclaimed.

The wisdom of God imparts responsibility that the foolish will never know.”


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