My Scrolls

The Census of God (11.12.09)

“The eyes of God see all which occurs within the life of His creation.

The eyes of God see all the impacts on the life of man,

                                                                      of the life of man,

                                                                     for the life of man.

The eyes of God see all the activities of man,

                                                those in his public arena,

                                                those in his private forum,

                                                those thought to be hidden as a secret within his well of denial.

The eyes of God seek out the deeds deemed as righteous within a heart attuned to God.

The eyes of God rove over all of His creation,

                                see every sparrow fall,

                                see every action which inscribes a record on the soul of man.

The eyes of God everywhere abound.

The eyes of God are there within the plates which form the windows of the soul.

The eyes of God know the eyes of His creation.

The eyes of God can see through the eyes of His creation.

The eyes of God,

                       pausing at the coverings,

                                                         discern what is to see.

The eyes of God know what they have seen.

The ears of God are attuned to the voice of man.

The ears of God can multi-task,

                                can separate the urgent from the profane,

                                can separate the calls of the flock from those of predators.

The ears of God can separate the loving from the shrill.

The ears of God are neither channelled nor frequency dependent.

The ears of God have no need to modulate.

The ears of God hear each utterance as intended,

                                        each prayer that moves the lips,

                                        each tongue as the spirit speaks.

The ears of God hear each silent thought of man that discloses the status of the soul,

                                                                                                         the status of the spirit,

                                                                                                         the status of the intent of character –

                                                                                                                                        the status of the heart.

The ears of God accommodate the heartbeat of the universe,

                                                  the heartbeat of creation,

                                                  the heartbeat of each man.

The ears of God are aware of the muffled voice of man,

                                          ignore the muffled voice of man,

                               are especially attentive when the muffle is removed.

The ears of God recognize the muffle of the foe,

                                            the muffle that brings incoherence to the speech of man,

                                            the muffle that speaks of idolatry before a god of limited dominion,

                                            the muffle that does not speak to God.

The ears of God rejoice in the absence of the muffle,

                                           the discard of the muffle,

                                           the overcoming of the muffle.

The ears of God are vibrant with a conversation re-established,

                                                       the re-instatement of a walk,

                                                       the growth of a reformed hope in faith.

The ears of God tingle with excitement when a new entrant is welcomed,

                                                                              a new dwelling comes into preparation for dedication as a temple,

                                                                              a new saint is qualified,

                                                                                                      is cleansed,

                                                                                                      is set free through the waters of immersion.

The census of God is compliant with His being.

The census of God is beyond the imagining of man.

The census of God is both specific and generic.

The census of God is active within and beyond all of His creation.

The census of God is not impaired by distance,

                               is everywhere enacted,

                               is empowered by might and power,

                               is fulfilled in majesty.

The census of God knows the grain of sand,

                               knows the galaxies of wonder.

The census of God is pleased with the furbishing of the onward home of man,

                               is pleased with the travelling arrangements within the onward home of man,

                               is pleased with the security for the onward home of man.

The census of God is pleased with the refreshments available in the onward home of man.

The census of God will be present at the greeting or farewell of man as destinies,

                                                                                                                        selected by his freewill,

                                                                              draft man into his chosen habitation in the onward home of man.”


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