My Scrolls

The Churches in The Mountains, ROAR of The Lion (9.9.08)

“I speak to the churches in the mountains of the islands of the seas,

                                                                       the isolated islands of the seas,

                                                                       the uttermost islands of the seas,

                                                                       the islands that I have blessed in the presence of The Father,

                                                                       the islands that are prepared for battle,

                                                                       the battle that is Mine.

I know make known,

      by My prophet,

            to the churches that love Me,

                 the churches that I acknowledge before The Father,

                 the churches in which My Spirit rains,

                 the churches with open doors,

                 the churches that cry out to Me,

                 the churches where My Spirit builds:

                                                 a new thing.

            A new thing prepared in the heavens for this time and now declared before the face of man.


  The Lord,

      speak and declare,

           I now unfurl The Banner of My Kingdom over the Islands of the Seas,

                                                                               over the Lands both near and far,

                                                                               over the very Nations of the Earth.

      And now I so declare that this Banner be established by My servants,

           for all with eyes to see;

                 that they may,

                       with seeking,

                 understand and ponder on their destiny.

      So My Banner will descend from the mountains of this land as it covers,

                                                          with Grace and,



                                                                                the strivings of man.

            My Banner will signify,

            My Banner will usher,

            My Banner will mark,

            My Banner will spread,

            My Banner will concern,

            My Banner will frighten,

            My Banner will welcome.

      All those with contrite spirits will run to The Banner of The Kingdom,

                                                                        The Banner of Grace,

                                                                        The Banner of Justice.

      Turn them not away,

                       for I would have them free;

                       taught by My servants;

                       baptized by water and The Spirit;

                       sent forth commissioned in their callings;

                       en-armoured and equipped:

                       to stand and not to fall,

                       to reap and to report,

            the harvest of the Kingdom to be reclaimed from Hell.

      For My servants in the mountains,

                       with wisdom and with care,

                                        shall shepherd all My flock that is established there.

                       With prayer and praise,

                                  in penitence,

                                        shall be the building of the flock;

                                                      and as the whiteness of My sheep are seen,

                                        as so shall be the gathering of this stock.

       Prepare for the Roar of The Lion.

            The Roar of The Lion shall be heard in the mountains.

            The ROAR of the Lion shall scatter the darkness.

            The ROAR of the Lion shall go forth from the rock.

            The ROAR of the Lion protects the pride,

                                                  summons the pride,

                                                  announces the pride.

            All who answer the Roar,

                                      the Call of the Lion,

                                                           are garnered as His pride;

                                                           for the Pride of The Lion prepares the way.

            The pride of the Lion descends as the footsteps of the Lion.

                                                                        Mark the way of the Lion.

                                                                        Blaze a trail through the forests of man.

                                                                        Mark the trail of the Lion.

            Follow the scent of the Lion.

            For the scent of the Lion invades the darkness,

                   the scent of the Lion pervades all His territory,

                   the scent of the Lion is recognized by His pride.

                  The scent of the Lion indicates His presence.

                  The scent of the Lion guides His pride,

                                                     directs His pride,

                                                     marks the path for the pride of the Lion.

            Seek the scent of the Lion.

            Find the scent of the Lion.

                  The pride of the Lion knows His scent.

                  The pride of the Lion loves His scent.

                  The pride of the Lion runs into His scent.

            Acknowledge the presence of the Scent of the Lion.

And I,

      The Lord,

           will bless My people,

                  will watch over them both by day and by night and I will accompany each of them as they place their footsteps 

                                                                                                                                                                           on My mountains,

                                                                                             whether the valleys or the heights,

                                                    carrying My Gospel with their armour and My Banner that both heralds and proclaims.

                  Use My Banner,

                        uphold it,

                        recognize it,

                        look for it in the byways and the cities of this land,

                             for there will be found a refuge and a welcome from My Spirit as each extends a hand.

                  For by it My servants will be known to one another as they travel,

                                                                                                     and in welcome greet,

                                                                                                     and in love a meal may share,

                                                                                   and with interest hear of places near and far away and of successes there.

                  The Sign of the Kingdom may proclaim within the marketplace of man:

                              all those who fear The Lord,

                                             who do not cheat,

                                             have honest scales,

                                                         and do not bring dishonour to the dignity of man.

                  According to each will,

                              All who love The Lord,

                              All who fear The Lord,

                              All who serve The Lord:

                                                          may fly,

                                                                     on high,

                                                                                the Flag of the Kingdom;

                                                          may mark,

                                                                     by pole,

                                                                                the Standard of The Kingdom;


                                                                     on items,

                                                                                wear and use the Emblem of the Kingdom;


                                                                     in hand,




                                                                                         rejoice with the Banner of the Kingdom and The Spirit of The Lord.”


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