My Scrolls

The Commitments of Man (12.2.09)

“The fall of Rome was based on a fall of confidence.

The fall of Rome occurred because of a lack of belief.

The fall of Rome was because of a commitment that was missing.

A commitment that is missing is of short duration.

A commitment without strength does not arm the soul.

A commitment made of straw has no weight behind it.

A commitment with no heart will not see out the day.

A commitment born of greed will increase with the gain,

                                                will shrink with the loss.

A commitment of the spirit will support the uttered word.

A commitment of the spirit has no need of a signature.

A commitment of the spirit does not quibble at the consequences.

A commitment of the spirit teaches honour to the soul.

A commitment of the spirit validates belief.

A commitment of the spirit has faith in an outcome.

A commitment of the spirit is extended without rancour.

A commitment of the spirit rewards the righteous walk.

A commitment of the spirit is not broken by the spirit.

A commitment of the spirit sees the end result.

A commitment of the spirit is transferred at a handclasp.

A commitment of the spirit is settled with a smile.

A commitment with a scrutiny brings anxiety to the soul.

A commitment with a scrutiny is settled out of favour.

A commitment with a scrutiny seeks ways of escape.

A commitment with a scrutiny carries ill-will behind a veil.

A commitment with a scrutiny oft calls for the presence of a judge.

A commitment with a scrutiny has signatures disowned.

A commitment with a scrutiny breeds an offence that lasts.

A commitment with a scrutiny speaks of scales that no longer balance.

A commitment with a scrutiny is a warning to the wise.

A commitment with a scrutiny is through eyes that water in advance.

A commitment with a scrutiny seeks an advantage that did not exist.

A commitment with a scrutiny attempts to share a loss.

A commitment always has important overtones,

                         always has far reaching effects,

                         should not be entered into lightly.

A commitment always imparts a lesson,

                         always has an end result,

                         always ends with honour or disgrace.

The commitment of the spirit outweighs the commitment of the soul.

The commitment of the conscience outweighs the commitment of the mind.

The commitment of the conscience lingers in the mind.

The commitment of the body is not held to account.

The commitment of the body is but a spasm of intent.

The commitment of the body has to be continually renewed.

The commitment of the body generates demands for relief.

The commitment of the body often wants to rest.

The commitment of the body is fragile in extension.

The commitment that is offered depends upon the security of the servant.

The commitment that is offered depends upon the way it was imparted.

The commitment that is offered depends upon the history of the soul,

                                                               the history of the spirit,

                                                               the history of the body.

The commitment that is offered depends upon the means of acceptance.

The commitment that is in force depends upon: 

                                           the longevity of temptations –

                                           the activities of a foe,

                                           the source of that commitment –

                                                whether of the soul –

                                                              the spirit –

                                                          or the body,

                                                the resolution of a scrutiny –

                                                      and the purpose thereof.

A commitment is fulfilled by the wise,

                         is breached by the transient,

                         is forgotten by the foolish.

The commitments of The Lord stand,

                                                will be upheld and fulfilled,

                                                will be honoured and secure,

      as are the releases of the cross with the promise of salvation in this time of Grace.”


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