My Scrolls

The Intent of The Lord (23.10.08)

"The power of fellowship amongst the saints is the strength of the Church across the races of man.

The power of fellowship amongst the saints is the security of the orphans and the widows.

The power of fellowship amongst the saints is the feeding of the body,

                                                                                                  the souls and the spirits,

                                                                                                                      each according to the need.

The fellowship of the saints is eternal.

The fellowship of the saints is the quest for relationships that will endure.

The fellowship of the saints extends the spirit and the soul beyond the reach of time and space -

                                                           the restrictions imposed by the mortality of man.

The mortality of man is the time of the sifting of the spirit.

The mortality of man is the time of the harnessing of the soul.

The mortality of man is the springboard to –

                                                         all that has been promised –

                                                         all yet to be made known –

                                                         all prepared to be so accessed by the immortality of man.

The immortality of man may lead to exaltation.

The immortality of man leads to fulfilment of aspiration.

The immortality of man may lead to judgement previously unrealized.

The immortality of man may lead to appreciation previously unacknowledged.

The immortality of man may lead to awe previously unforeseen.

The immortality of man may lead to wonders previously uncontemplated.

The immortality of man may lead to majesty previously undisclosed.

The immortality of man may lead to glory previously withheld.

The immortality of man leads to all previously shielded by the curtain of eternity as positioned by The Spirit.

The Spirit speaks in comfort.

The Spirit speaks in counsel.

The Spirit speaks in tongues.

The Spirit speaks in knowledge.

The Spirit speaks in wisdom.

The Spirit speaks in faith.

The Spirit speaks in truth.

The Spirit speaks all these,

                                         when invited,

                                   into the spirit of man.

The Spirit will speak in fire.

The Spirit will speak in boldness.

The Spirit will speak in needs.

The Spirit will speak in desires.

The Spirit will speak in blessings.

The Spirit will speak in favour.

The Spirit will speak in the Word.

The Spirit will speak in -

                                    as directed,

                                    as permitted,

                                    as received -

                           the intent of The Lord.

The intent of The Lord is not capricious.

The intent of The Lord stands in holiness before The Father.

The intent of The Lord is in compliance with The Father’s will.”


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