My Scrolls

The Judgement of Man (10.5.11)

“Before the great white throne of God man,

                                                               with a clouded soul,

                                                                                   is filled with the fear of God.

Before the great white throne of God man is at attention,

                                                                    does not stand at ease,

                                                                    is there –

                                                                            but for the purpose known to both.

Before the great white throne of God the angels act as attendants to man,

                                                            the sentinels examine with the eyes of keenness,

                                                            man gives all the message he would rather be elsewhere.

Before the throne of God the elders witness all,

                                                          see the entry in The Lamb’s Book of Life with smiles of welcome,

                                                          search for it in vain with troubled brows when before the great white throne.

Before the great white throne of God troubled brows initiate the searching of the records of the life of man within mortality,

                                                   lay open for inspection all the records with entries of relevance to the man before the throne,

                      so the records are perused which highlight the call for redress,

                                                                                           the call for recourse,

                                                                                           the call for justice –

                                                                        to be heard before the great white throne:

                                                                                                         as made known within the word.

Before the great white throne of God is the truth of testimony established,

                                                            is the sinning of the soul revealed in the presence of each plaintiff with a call,

                                                            is the appeal of man heard in its entirety,

                                                            is the closure of the records in the presence of contentment,

                                                            is man consigned upon a gesture from the great white throne.

Before the great white throne of God man receives judgement – 

                                                                         according to the written record of all that went before,

                                                                         according to the truthful testimony of man,

                                                                         according to the promises of God,

                                                                         according to the fulfilling of the existence of man within eternity.”


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