My Scrolls

The Wiles of Woman (15.12.11)

“The wiles of woman are underestimated by man,

                                   are the defences to authority,

                                   are the achievers of desire.

 The wiles of woman are circuitous in their reasoning,

                                   are cunning in their plotting,

                                   are devious in their initiating.

The wiles of woman are devoted to strategize control,

                                                     to the seizing of the day,

                                                     to succeed against the odds.

The wiles of woman are there for the protection of her child,

                                                 for the favouring of her family,

                                                 for the progressing of her endeavours.

The wiles of woman are not open to inspection,

                                  do not appear in writing,

                                  vary with the circumstance.

The wiles of woman are a source of satisfaction,

                                  are a tribute to the process,

                                  are never subjected to a scene in haste.

The wiles of woman often find fulfilment in a mirror,

                                                  fulfilment on an arm,

                                                  fulfilment with a cradle.

The wiles of woman always are centred on a goal,

                                  always have a target,

                                  always are fixated on the objective of desire.

The wiles of woman improve with anxiety,

                                  improve with a trial,

                                  improve with a need.

The wiles of woman are present at a want,

                                  are present when acquiring,

                                  are present on reflection.

The wiles of woman are difficult to recognize,

                                  are difficult to counter,

                                  are difficult to negate.

The wiles of woman are not gracious in defeat.

The wiles of woman are seen in the end result,

                                  are seen upon completion,

                                  are seen upon achievement,

                                  are seen within the aura of success.

The wiles of woman is the armouring of God:

                                  is the empowering of woman,

                                  is the solution available to woman,

                                  is the tackling of a task where opposition is removed.

The wiles of woman should be known by man as they are known by God.

The wiles of woman are hidden when insecure,

                                  are disclosed when no longer relevant,

                                  are an anachronism of behaviour.

The wiles of woman are not drawn from within a pool,

                                  are drawn from deep within the soul.

The wiles of woman are not a function of the spirit,

                                  can involve the body,

                                  can offer understanding to the inexplicable.

The wiles of woman can explain the reasoning,

                                  can explain an outcome of surprise,

                                  can explain a change in mood,

                                  can explain a switching of attention,

                                  can explain becoming captive to a hobby,

                                  can explain a smile upon a face.

The wiles of woman are a function of the will,

                                  are a function of freewill in action,

                                  are a function designed to combat the imposition of subservience.

The wiles of woman are within the oversight of God.”


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