My Scrolls

The Seeping of The Blood (3.8.12)

“The seeping of the blood goes from red to black,

                                           goes from sticky to a solid,

                                           goes from the landscapes of man to the temples of The Lord.

The seeping of the blood is inexorable once started,

                                         is from an unimpeded flow,

                                         is a testimony to the folly unleashed by man.

The seeping of the blood speaks of life extinguishing,

                                         speaks of lack of movement of the source,

                                         speaks of the absence of the living offering help.

The seeping of the blood tells of a story filled with carnage,

                                                     a story filled with blood-letting,

                                                     a story with no mercy granted as a last resort.

The seeping of the blood is everywhere encountered,

                                         is on the evening news of man,

                                         is on the lips of those who revel in the gore.

The seeping of the blood is shed without an end in sight,

                                         is shed upon the whim of man,

                                         is shed upon the shielded plans of man.

The seeping of the blood creeps up to the shoes which move away,

                                         creeps up to the crevices which fill,

                                         creeps up to a barrier in place.

The seeping of the blood creeps until the source no longer pumps,

                                                    until the flow has levelled out,

                                                    until the tide no longer ebbs.

The seeping of the blood is not intended so to be,

                                         is not intended to be viewed,

                                         is not intended to sign the end of life.

The seeping of the blood signs of the breaking of the moral laws of God,

                                         signs of violence rendered to the creation of God,

                                         signs of accountability required from each holder of the cause.

The seeping of the blood is seen in the receptacles of disposal,

                                         is seen upon the floor set for invasion,

                                         is seen upon a bed where embryos have life,

                                                                       where foetuses are fused to be exploded,

                                                                       where birthing still would wait in preparation.

The seeping of the blood halts with the stopping of the heartbeat –

                                                                  upon consent of the entrusted mother yet not to be as such;

                                                  with the stopping of the heartbeat –

                                                                  despite the viewed struggle for survival;

                                                  with the stopping of the heartbeat –

                                                                  in defiance of The God of Love.

The seeping of the blood is to the shame of man,

                                         is to the currency of the blood oaths issued,

                                         is to join the blood tide generated by those who honour not a sacred trust.

The seeping of the blood marks each sacrifice in vain,

                                                    each forced sacrifice without consent,

                                                    each ending sacrifice which brings no honour to the dead.

The seeping of the blood is recorded by the angels,

                                                                        when an instance,

                                                                                   within the record of each man;

                                         is recorded for use within the coming presence of man;

                                         is recorded so accountability can be summoned to the halls of justice;

                                         is recorded with allocation to the wisdom of God.”


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