My Scrolls

Christmas Day (25.12.08)

“Christmas day has nearly again come to completion in this land,

                                                                                  is yet to come in others.

Christmas day is loved by The Lord for its intent of holiness.

Christmas day is for the pause of man.

Christmas day is for the reflection of man.

Christmas day is for the call of man based on remembrance of things past,

                                                          based on the pleasure of the day,

                                                          based on the forward hope of what will surely come.

Christmas day calls for righteousness before God.

           Righteousness is the herald of peace.

           Peace is victory over the soul.

           Victory over the soul is applauded by God.

           The applause of God is a welcome sign to man.

           Welcome signs to man point to the way home.

           The way home is sign posted for man –

                                                  at the turning points in the life of man –

                                                  at the turning points where sign posts are most welcome.

Christmas day was,


                        shall forever be,

                                          a turning point in the life of man.

Christmas day gave birth to a promise of great glory.

Christmas day gave birth to a sacrifice of great gain.

Christmas day gave birth to a resurrection of great significance.

           All for the life of man.

           The life of man has been ransomed.

           The life of man has been plucked to safety.

           The life of man has been secured for his freewill.

           The freeing of Man’s freewill from imprisonment was born on Christmas Day.”


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