My Scrolls

I Love My People (5.9.08)


      The Lord Jesus,

           speak to My people with love and understanding that they may prosper in all they do,

                                                                                                                              in all that they attempt,

                                                                                                                              in all that they dream of achieving in their lives.

For My desire is that they live in joy,

                                                 in happiness and with My Spirit in their time on earth.

I would have them know Me,

      speak with Me and tell Me of their troubles,

           the troubles that beset their hearts.

And I will comfort them.

        I will enfold them in My arms.

        They can know that they may rest their heads upon My breast and I will bless them,

                                                                                     their families and their homes.

        They can be My children and I will be their God.

        They can overcome all things and rejoice in the friendship of My Spirit as they can speak with Me and I will speak with them.

        I love My children.

        I adore My children.

        I value My children above all the imaginings of man.

             More than the grandest aspirations of man;

                  much greater than the greatest love man knows within his family.

      My love for My children is so gentle and so true and I still shed My tears,

                 in secret now,

            away from the eyes of man.

Come to Me,

      My children,

            let Me wrap My arms around you,

            call you each by name:

            for I would bless you,

            and would know you,

                        on that wonderful day,

                                    as sons and daughters of The Living God.

And I,

      and all the heavens,

           would rejoice as I install you as members of God’s household in the company of the faithful.

           God’s household where I would fellowship with you and you would fellowship with Me as we sup together at the table

                           I have prepared and I say,

                                                                       With all My love,

                                                                               to you,

                                                                       ‘Welcome home’.”


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