My Scrolls

The Garden of God (20.6.12)

“The splendour of the garden is a vista laid out for the beloved to see.

The splendour of the garden is divided into three,

                                              has the scope of God,

                                              has the design of God,

                                              has the will of God,

                                                        in the indexed content,

                                                        in the beauty,

                                                        in the ease of access granted to the redeemed of God.

The splendour of the garden has vibrancy and life,

                                              has the inert as marvels,

                                              has the small,

                                              has the enormous,

                                                             each with its place to fill.

The splendour of the garden is never crowded,

                                              has freedom of movement without a hindrance to a thought,

                                              shows each to the best advantage with nothing pushed into a corner.

The splendour of the garden has the flowers which never die,

                                                                                  never fade,

                                                                                  always make an impact on the senses.

    The floral presentations contribute to the splendour of the garden,

                                           contribute to the beauty,

                                           contribute to the wonder due the gardener in the garden of perfection,

                                                                                                               in the garden for His children,

                                                                                                               in the garden for His family:

                                                                                                                                               the family of God.

The splendour of the garden is beyond man in his mortality to comprehend the extent,

                                                                                                                         the attention to detail,

                                                                          all which is on display,

                                                                          all there for interaction,

                                                                          all there for the pleasure of the souls,

                                                                                              the joy of the spirits:

                                                                                              the presence of the new body of man –

                                                                                                                           in his perfection and for his delight.

The splendour of the garden is not beset by night,

                                              has no footfalls of anxiety,

                                              has no sin within its threshold,

                                              has no cause for complaint,

                                              has no seat of dissatisfaction,

                                  gives rise to no feelings of remorse.

The splendour of the garden has no time of man,

                                              has no cause to hurry,

                                              has no appointment to keep,

                                              has no source of stress.

The splendour of the garden carries nothing to measure the passage of time,

                                              has new concepts for guidance and instruction,

                                              visits the presence of God on all the many senses of man.

The splendour of the garden does not bequeath boredom to a soul,

                                              has much to take the interest,

                                              has much encouraging the closest of inspections,

                                              has much to impart afresh on each journey of discovery in The Garden of The Spirit,

                                                                                                                                        in The Garden of The Son,

                                                                                                                                        in The Garden of The Father.

The splendour of the garden has both The Lion and The Lamb at home within the fold of God.”


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