My Scrolls

The New Day (21.11.08)


    The Lord,

           speak to the people of this nation.


   The Lord,

           speak to the government of this nation.


   The Lord,

           speak to the councillors of this nation.


   The Lord,

           speak to the stewards of this nation –

                                        all those in positions of accountability to the people of this nation –

                                        all those who oversee and apportion the resources of this nation –

                                        all those in tiers of command that affect the lives of their fellow citizens.
   The Lord,

           speak to all the leaders across this land –

                                                across this island nation –

                                        where the new day of man begins with each rising of the sun.

I state for all to hear –

                      a new day approaches that will usher in a new era never seen before by man.

                      The new day sets new boundaries for man.

                      The new day sets new goals for man.

                      The new day brings fulfilment of hope and the rewards of disbelief.

                      The new day that breaks across the heavens will greet men who take a forward step,

                                                                                             will dismay men who take a backward step,

                                                                                             will greet children as they stand.

                                 Women are not bound to follow men who take a backward step –

                                                                                             who turn their backs and run.

                      The new day brings change and dissolution.

                      The new day brings forth new allegiances.

                      The new day will establish fresh laws of governance.

                      The new day will bring forth the standards and the qualities of the day.

                      The new day will bring safety to the family.

                      The new day will bring honour to each marriage.

                      The new day will bring the voice of God as a restraint upon the bearers of the power of man.

                      The new day will bring the death-throes of laws that are unjust.

                      The new day will bring the sanctifying of The Spirit to this nation.

                      The new day will bring a turning of the minds of man.

                      The new day will bring an opening of heart to this nation.

                      The new day will bring the young to seek and serve.

                      The new day will bring forth wisdom from those who are mature.

                      The new day will bring forth purpose and intent,

                                                                     guidance and direction,

                                                                     exuberance and passion.

                      The new day will bring forth the blessings of The Lord upon this nation –

                                                                                                        at a crossroads in time and of opportunity.”


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