My Scrolls

The Tongues of Heaven (31.12.11)

“The tongue of man can speak the languages of the Earth,

                                 can speak the languages of the heavens,

                                 can speak the languages of Hell.

The tongue of man can vocalize the tongues of the Earth,

                                can vocalize the tongues of the heavens,

                                can vocalize the tongues of Hell.

The tongues of Earth can be interpreted by man.

The tongues of Heaven can be interpreted by My Spirit.

The tongues of Hell can be marshalled by demonic forces,

                                 can be installed by demonic forces.

The tongue of man signals intent to display all of his emotions –

                                                           whether to his shame or to his honour,

                                                      to display all of his fears –

                                                           whether real or imagined,

                                                      to display his heart’s intent –

                                                            whether as a home for righteousness or as what has been surrendered to be then filled with evil.

The tongue of man has the ability of commissioning speech,

                                                       of bringing forth commands,

                                                       of instigating tears,

                                                       of giving cause for smiles,

                                                       of emitting an emotion which changes an expression on a face.

The tongue of man can be sharp or soft,

                               can be brief or loquacious,

                               can be offensive or forgiving,

                               can be surly or gracious.

The tongue of man rarely knows the need for silence,

                               rarely has the time to put the ears to work:

                               rarely has the ability to do both of these together.

The tongue of man requires the consent of Heaven to converse in the tongues of Heaven:

                                                                                                             with or without the understanding of man.

                                             The consent of Heaven is given as a gift of My Spirit in stages of ascent –

                                                                                                                               as they are sought,

                                                                                                                               as they are acquired,

                                                                                                                               as they are put to use,

                                                                                                                               as they are practised with intent.

The tongue of man when conversing in the tongues of Heaven is as if in a field filled with wondrous explorations.

The tongues of Heaven can forge a channel of two-way communication within the thought processes of man.

The tongues of Heaven can alter the thresholds and the sensors of the six senses of man.

The tongues of Heaven can translate the tongue of man into a tongue of man upon the utterance of the day.

The tongues of Heaven reside within a multiplicity of selections,

                                      can be selected at the will of man,

                                      can be spoken at the will of man,

                                      can be thought at the will of man,

                                      can be transmitted at the will of man.

The tongues of Heaven are gifted by My Spirit to again dwell upon the tongue of man as man is invited to prepare for the end time
                                                                                                                                                      of the cavalcade of grace.

The tongues of Heaven are gifted by My Spirit,

                                                                        in extensions,

                                                                                      to fulfil the communicating abilities of man.

The tongues of Heaven can surmount the falsity of teachings which endeavour to explain their age-long non-appearance within the
                                                                                                                                                         experience of man.

The tongues of Heaven are a blessing which will not intrude when they are not sought,

                                                                                                 when they are regarded as unnecessary,

                                                                                                 when their absence is taken as confirmation of their non-relevance,

                                                                                                 when they are seen as being without value,

                                                                                                                as being without application,

                                                                                                                as being beyond the comprehension of man.

So it is common that the ignorant decline the misunderstood blessings of God;

so it is abounding that the wise avidly seek the blessings of God.

So the ignorant display their non-reading of My word wherein My apostles,

                   Paul included,

                              relay their familiarity,

                                       their experience,

                                                 with My Spirit’s gift of tongues:

                                                              for the benefit both of My people,

                                                                                              and as a sign to the multitudes,

                                                                                                                                of The Living God.”


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