My Scrolls

Testimony of The Day of The Lord (4.3.10)


     The Lord,

          this day speak to the peoples of the Earth in confirmation of the effort of my servant,


                     in bringing forth this book which he now lays before you.

This book in which I speak of My return,

                                             and of the preparation of those who would participate in a journey for the jubilant,

                 is of significance to all.

This book is of My will.

                 is of The Spirit of God.

                 is the introduction of My Banner into the environment of man.

This book proclaims the words of My mouth,

                 discloses My intent,

                 brings forth the word for today.

      Anthony has overcome the attacks of the Disqualifier and stands with his integrity intact,

                     has persevered in the face of adversity,

                     has honoured his calling,

                     has bound demonic forces for his walk with Me,

                     is My scribe with ears attuned to hear.

                                                His ears are accurate.

                                                His ears are fortified by the fear of God.

                                                His soul is in harmony with his spirit.

      By My Spirit and by determination has Anthony set a table for eternity from which man is invited to partake.


     The Lord,

          have garnished the table with the fare of fêtes,

                                                  with the fare of festivities,

                                                  with the fare of fanfares.

                Anthony has validated the accuracy of his actions prior to each disclosure of My intent received.

This book in which I,

                                   The Lord,

                                         speak of My Return,

                                                          has My Blessing,

                                                          is under My Authority,

                                                          discloses My Banner as therein revealed.

This book is a tug of encouragement at man’s freewill in pre-emption of the later fitting of the shackles.

                Today is in the age of Grace.

                Wait not for tomorrow which the grave may claim.

                Foolish are they who wait as their life-blood seeps away,

                                           who lack the will to act,

                                           who discourage a commitment to a gown of life,

                                           who remain within the grips of demons with destruction,

                                           who let pride get in the way of an onward journey in the temple of The Spirit.


   The Lord,

         say to the peoples of the Earth, 

              ‘Read My Word.

                I change not.

                From times past My Word has been preserved for all generations to this day.’


   The Lord,


              ‘Read My book here placed before you.

               Study My book for your redemption.

               Take into each heart this saying of The Lord while it is today,

                                                                                 for this book is as a golden scroll.’”

Scribal Note:

               Gracefully received from The Lord for use in this, His book.

                               10.50 - 11.41am Thursday, 4th March 2010

Hamilton, NZ.


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