Pave The Way for Harmonious Spiritual Growth through The Website of The Lord

    Thoughts or ideas have tremendous power. The seeds of thoughts provide us with the harvest of actions and the repeated actions turn into habits. When these seeds of habits are sown we reap the harvest of character and when character’s seeds are sown, we reap our destiny. Thus Man‘s destiny is basically guided and materialised by these seeds of thoughts and beliefs which turn into attitudes and convictions within a character.

    Each and every prayer of the world must either start or end with gratitude. We are grateful to God that He has given us such a wonderful life and has bestowed on us His Blessings and innumerable gifts. The attitude of gratitude makes our hearts reverential and worthy to attract many other riches and glories of life. It has always been a puzzle to man as how to make one’s life truly meaningful such that at the time of death a person has no feelings of agony and/or remorse.

    The holy books of The Bible and spiritual discourses such as commentaries and study courses eulogise the greatness of God and inspire people to lead honest, truthful and righteous lives. The scriptures guide people to fill their hearts with love and respect towards their fellow man and thus live in accord with the provisioning and blessings of God.  There will have been times when a person experiences sorrows, pains, and depression stemming from life’s situations. At all such times the inspiring and morale boosting words of saints, sages or prophets together with the tongues of angels really edifies and uplifts the soul - filling the listeners’ heart with the much needed strength and courage to continue on. Strong faith or conviction in all positive things of life can work wonders and they have often witnessed to having great healing power.

    The foundation of a strong character lies on the pillars of human values and universal principles which remain changeless irrespective of time and location. If you have come to appreciate the importance of spiritual progress in human lives which brings peace, prosperity and harmony then you are close to understanding the true essence of the Christian religion which follows the path as guided by faith, Scripture, and discipleship under the guiding of The Holy Spirit.

    Whether you are a student, school teacher, businessman, shopkeeper or a busy professional, spiritual growth is a must for one and all who would desire to change and grow in stature before their God of Love. Real enjoyment, contentment, and pleasure as well as other riches of life such as peace of mind and a thankful heart will remain with you as you receive wisdom and renewal from the throne room of God. If you are keen to make spiritual progress but do not have the time and convenience to study The Scriptures of The Bible or listen to the discourses of a spiritual leader then you need to edit the time-wasters from your life. The Website of The Lord is a unique website which helps you understand the important messages and divine commentaries of The Lord Jesus and you can go through the Scrolls and Morsels as slowly or as quickly as your own needs and preferences will allow.


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