My Scrolls

The Cup of The Fruit of The Vine (18.7.09)

“The cup of the fruit of the vine has a special place in the life of each disciple,

                                                                                   in the life of My church,

                                                                                   in lives that hold a promise dear.

The cup of the fruit of the vine was set apart for remembrance:

                                                                                               at a supper,

                                                                                               within an appointed time.

The cup of the fruit of the vine is available through all seasons of the earth,

                                                                      through all climates of the earth,

                                                                      through all locations on the earth.

The cup of the fruit of the vine does not suffer the spoilage of the foe,

                                                         does not contain additions to the must.

The cup of the fruit of the vine results from the very best,

                                                   does not bring a grimace to the face,

                                                   is not imbibed to excess when reason may be forsaken.

 The cup of the fruit of the vine was valid in the days of the incarnation,

                                                    has been valid through the centuries,

                                                    is as valid today as it was in these times past.

The cup of the fruit of the vine has been decried,

                                                   has been withheld,

                                                   has been withdrawn,

                                  from its place of honour as a symbol of shed blood.

The cup of the fruit of the vine has been allowed to be trammelled by the will of man when bowing to an addiction held

                                                                                                                                                                       in sin by some.

The cup of the fruit of the vine does not tear down the drunkard when the odour of the fresh fruit solely lingers in the cup,

                                                   does not tear down the rehabilitated when the will is re-established.

The cup of the fruit of the vine is not to be made a victim,

                                                                                        without power,

                                                                            by those serving up social responsibility as an adjunct to the power of God.

The cup of the fruit of the vine always bears witness of the Gospel message in its fullness.

The cup of the fruit of the vine bears witness to the failure of the counsel when addiction continues unabated.

The cup of the fruit of the vine arouses the jealousy of God when His ordinance installed at such a cost is held as of no

                                                                       account through selection without wisdom so the addicted may continue so.

The cup of the fruit of the vine knows the message that accompanies the cross.

The cup of the fruit of the vine does not countenance the removal of temptation so addiction may continue –

                                                                     the assumption that failure remains the outcome in a life where hope was lost –

                                                                     the position that the will cannot be strengthened in a life without support –

                                                                     the proposition that man should not be tested for resolve

                                                                                                                    and thereby arise in the esteem of self-worth.

The cup of the fruit of the vine knows that were it so that man should not be tested for resolve then Abraham did not need

                                                  his son on a journey to an altar and a promise from the lips of man may be of no account.

The cup of the fruit of the vine does not suffer usurpers parading in false colours,

                                                   does not suffer the usurping of its place of honour,

                                                   does not suffer denials of its standing in the house of God.

The cup of the fruit of the vine does not suffer those who partake with double-mindedness,

                                                                           those who partake with wandering eyes,

                                                                           those who partake with misdirected thoughts,

                                                                           those who partake with no recall,

                                                                           those who partake with closed ears,

                                                                           those who partake without an intent of welcome.

The cup of the fruit of the vine is there for My disciples,

                                                   is not for those without a memory to remember.

The cup of the fruit of the vine should not lightly be taken to the lips.

The cup of the fruit of the vine is the highest emblem on the earth –

                                                            that brings,

                                                            each time,

                                                            to the fore the new covenant entered into with,

                                                                                                                         and by,

                                                                                                                         the saints.

The cup of the fruit of the vine is a voice within a voice that calls man repeatedly to repentance.

The cup of the fruit of the vine recognizes those with unrepentant lips,

                                                                     those without a memory,

                                                                     those who would test the God who upholds His Word.

The cup of the fruit of the vine carries a blessing or a curse,

                                                              a celebration or a judgement,

                                                              a future of companionship or a future of separation.


                 Unwise are they who partake lightly of the cup of the fruit of the vine.

                 Unwise are they who treat the cup of the fruit of the vine with familiarity,

                                                                                                             with contempt,

                                                                                                             with an approach that speaks of little worth.

                 Such are they with little worth to their appeal when the cup of the fruit of the vine shall testify of faith

                                                                                                                                        encountered on the lips of man.


       Wise are they who adjust their lives in line with The Word for they partake in celebration with all the blessings of

                                                                                                                                            the cup of the fruit of the vine.

       Wise are they who imbibe only the blessings of the cup of the fruit of the vine.

       Wise are they who confirm their covenants upheld through the cup of the fruit of the vine.”


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