My Scrolls

The Dungeons of The Heart (12.1.10)

“Many are the would-be sheep whose lips do not disclose the secret dungeons of their hearts.

               The secret dungeons of the heart are hidden by man from man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart are not considered relevant by man to God.

               The secret dungeons of the heart are seen by God with the light as in the lamp-room of a lighthouse.

               The secret dungeons of the heart swing the drafting-gate to the pen that holds the goats.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be examined by the candle of the spirit.

               The secret dungeons of the heart give shelter to the blackness that needs to be thrown into the light.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be cleaned by man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be emptied by man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be conquered by man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be circumcised by man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be filled-in by man.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need to be deleted from the places to be visited.

               The secret dungeons of the heart need not carry blackness in the heart of man.

The dungeons of the heart are buried very deeply.

The dungeons of the heart surface for fresh air.

The dungeons of the heart learn to echo.

The dungeons of the heart acquire vibrations.

The dungeons of the heart can be visited with friends.

The dungeons of the heart are known to the righteous.

The dungeons of the heart will hold small secrets that expand.

               The secret dungeons of the heart cannot surface without consent,

                                                                    can be shared into a wasteland,

                                                                    can become a vault when the key is handed over.

               The secret dungeons of the heart can bring destruction to the body when a secret is spilled in malice,

                                                                                                                                                                in folly,

                                                                                                                                                                in the quest for wealth.

The dungeons of the heart exist for but one purpose.

The dungeons of the heart exist to house the sins of man.

The dungeons of the heart exist to hold the dragons with the need to feed.

The dungeons of the heart exist through satisfaction from depravity.

The dungeons of the heart exist through thoughts of self-destruction.

The dungeons of the heart exist through feeding all the senses from a table fraught with danger.

The dungeons of the heart can hold sickness in their thrall,

                                           can incubate disease,

                                           can multiply to overcome.

The dungeons of the heart can breed an army for attack,

                                           can muster germs for warfare on the host,

                                           can impede the wellness of the heart of man.

The dungeons of the heart can impinge on the body of man,

                                           can direct invasions,

                                           can inflict weakness of the spirit,

                                           can bring about the death of man.

The dungeons of the heart are the meeting place of Satanic souls,

                                           serve the hatching of the plots,

                                           are known in all the chambers.

The dungeons of the heart store the curses of generations,

                                                    the blood oaths assigned to secrecy,

                                                    the idols that are worshipped.

The dungeons of the heart should not be nourished by man.

The dungeons of the heart should not be tolerated by man.

The dungeons of the heart should not be welcomed by man.

               Do not build the dungeons of the heart.

               Do not frequent the dungeons of the heart.

               Do not dwell in the dungeons of the heart.

               Do not worship what is found in the dungeons of the heart.

               Do not treat with levity the dungeons of the heart.

               Do not boast of the contents of the dungeons of the heart.

The dungeons of the heart need to be obliterated from the heart of man.

The dungeons of the heart need to be annihilated from the soul of man.

The dungeons of the heart need to be resolved with wisdom prior to the death of man.

The dungeons of the heart quench the fire of The Spirit.

The dungeons of the heart bring tears to the face once on the cross.

The dungeons of the heart bring prospects to the cliff-edge.

The dungeons of the heart sear the gifts of God.

The dungeons of the heart rebel in anger from the seat of grace.

The dungeons of the heart resolve in bitterness the freewill choice of man.

The dungeons of the heart are cleansed by the heart in full repentance.

The dungeons of the heart are conquered by the overcoming spirit of man.

The dungeons of the heart suffer flooding of the caverns in immersion.

The dungeons of the heart shudder at the waters of new life.

The dungeons of the heart are dismembered in the presence of the light.”


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