My Scrolls

The Rising of The Son (20.1.09)

“The Son rises to meet the new dawn.

The Son rises in the will of The Father.

The Son rises with The Spirit.

The Son rises in His glory.

The Son rises entrained.

The Son rises enrobed.

The Son rises acclaimed.

The Son rises to the sound of heaven.

The Son rises to the sound of earth.

The Son rises to a chorus.

The Son rises to ovations.

The Son rises to an inheritance.

The Son rises to His wedding. 

The Son rises as the groom.

The Son rises for a purpose.

The Son rises for bestowal.

The Son rises to receive.

The Son rises to speak.

The Son rises to declare.

The Son rises to accept.

The Son rises to acknowledge.

The rising of The Son is an event of grandeur.

The rising of The Son is an event of majesty.

The rising of The Son is an event of first magnitude in lives.

The rising of The Son brings shadows to the pastures of the earth.

The rising of The Son brings areas not lit by light.

The rising of The Son shows where darkness still resides.

The rising of The Son is greeted with great glee.

The rising of The Son is greeted with some ignorance.

The rising of The Son is greeted by much dissent.

The rising of The Son is a promise long foretold.

The rising of The Son is a change to the life of man.

The rising of The Son is of benefit to the jubilant,

                                        of concern to the lawful,

                                        of disaster to the rebellious.

The rising of The Son brings gratitude to the wise.

The rising of The Son leads into a new realization of surroundings,

                                             into a new standard of behaviour,

                                             into a new appreciation of what is meant by justice.

The rising of The Son leads into a new expression of love,

                                             into a new storehouse of provisioning,

                                             into a new Kingdom of the King.”


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