My Scrolls

The End-time Circumcision of The Heart (14.10.13)

“The circumcision of man should no longer involve the genitals of man.

The end-time circumcision of man speaks:

                                            of the circumcision of the heart –

                                                                                   the freeing it from sin,

                                                                                   the cleaning of the chambers,

                                                                                   the clearing of the dungeons,

                                                                                   the cleansing of the rooms.

The end-time circumcision of man speaks:

                                            of the effective prayer needs of the heart –

                                                                                               the sincerity of the intent of the heart,

                                                                                               the purity of the heart,

                                                                                               the unity of the heart,

                                                                                               the faithfulness of the beat.

The end-time circumcision of the heart addresses outstanding rites and wrongs,

                                                                addresses carried sin still burdening,

                                                                addresses unforgiven trespasses still awaiting action,

                                                                addresses thoughts of fancy surfacing from the soul,

                                                                addresses matters of the will in conflict with the spirit.

The end-time circumcision of the heart corrects the imbalance of man,

                                                                corrects his tendency to lean,

                                                                corrects his ability to stand upright.

The end-time circumcision of the heart removes the sticky sins of influence,

                                                                                                      of past wrongs wrought,

                                                                                                      of present influences noted for their undesirability:

                                                                   those which are to have no presence in the bride of Christ.

The end-time circumcision of the heart admits the secondment of unity,

                                                                dismisses disarray,

                                                                welcomes the steadfast and the sure.

The end-time circumcision of the heart is the precursor of good health,

                                                                    the harbinger of righteousness,

                                                                    the dry-cleaner of each wardrobe’s robes and gowns on display unto The Lamb.

The end-time circumcision of the heart appeals in purity to the angels,

                                                                justifies an empty slate,

                                                                expunges all the records' built-in history requiring expurgation.

The end-time circumcision of the heart is the process of procession,

                                                                is the activity awaited,

                                                                is the birthright of the bride in seeking purity of thought –

                                                                                                                      with word –

                                                                                                                            with deed.

The end-time circumcision of the heart impales sin upon the cross,

                                                                consigns sin to darkness where it rightfully belongs,

                                                                separates sin from within the presence of the bride.

The end-time circumcision of the heart bares the truth for examination,

                                                                bears the truth in righteousness,

                                                                bears the truth within the fear of God.

The end-time circumcision of the heart completes at the end-point of decision-making,

                                                                                 at the end-point of readiness for the grave,

                                                                                 at the end-point just prior to transition’s call.

The end-time circumcision of the heart informs the bride-to-be of the need for preparation,

                                                                                                      of the need for cleansing,

                                                                                                      of the need for a final ridding of the grime –

                                                                                        that as found adhering from within mortality.

The end-time circumcision of the heart confirms entrance of the bride of Christ into the family of God;

                                                                confirms entrance of the justified with the sanctified into the presence of God;

                                                                confirms entrance of the committed with the redeemed as gathered in their gracefulness:

                                                                                                  so all who testify of following –

                                                                                                                              of being disciples of –

                                                       The Living Loving God may be welcomed home amongst the stars of God.”


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