My Scrolls

The End-time Clouds of Conquest (2) (20.6.12)

“The clouds of conquest build upon the efforts of the night which has no fear,

                                        display in majesty what has gone before,

                                        herald with perception a day of new beginnings.

The clouds of conquest are presented with the dawn,

                                      are presented with the keys,

                                      are presented for those who guard their souls.

The clouds of conquest are layered and substantial,

                                      are structured and with form,

                                      are grandiose and beautiful in the day of promise.

The clouds of conquest will shepherd and enfold,

                                      will welcome and position,

                                      will bring and carry forward.

The clouds of conquest magnify and glorify,

                                      transmit the music of the heavens,

                                      has a stage of splendour central and to the fore.

The clouds of conquest are the Hosts of Heaven enrobed in The Glory of The Kingdom.

The clouds of conquest dress the stage with the bands of light arrayed in all their colours:

                                                                                             playing on the clouds of endearment.

The clouds of endearment dismiss the fear of heights,

                                           open in extension to bring The Love of God,

                                                                              The Promise of Sustaining,

                                                                              The Glory of The Heavens,

                                                                              The Majesty in Welcome,

                                                                    The Son Upon His Mission to claim His Bride in Waiting.

The clouds of endearment uplift all invited,

                                           easily support the gathering of The Beloved Within The Nations,

                                                                                of The People of The Lord,

                                                                                of The Endeared of God.

The clouds of endearment visit and transport,

                                           lower and secure,

                                           declare the Bride is Gathered with The Named intact.

The clouds of endearment are the loving angels from the nursery of God with their tasks fulfilled,

                                                                                                                     with great joy in the outcomes,

                                                                                                                     with great pleasure in the greeting of their charges:

                                                                                                                                     now no longer in their care.”

Scribal Note:

       Refer also to the 1st title on page 71 of His 2nd Book: ‘God Speaks in His Scrolls on The Website of The Lord’.

       And to this the 2nd one ‘The End-time Clouds of Conquest (2)’ on page 112 of His 4th Book: ‘God Speaks to His End-time Calls for Man’.

       And the 3rd one on page 18 of His 6th Book ‘God Speaks for His Bride via The Clouds of Conquest’.

       These may also be searched and found upon His website: ‘The Website of The Lord’ under ‘clouds’.


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