My Scrolls

Bk6. 'God Speaks to His Bridal Presence' (115 Scrolls, 332 pages)

The Throne of God (15.10.12)

is for the seating of God, is for none other than God, is an extension of God within His spheres of holiness; presents with power and with authority, projects the majesty and the presence, upholds the judgement seat...

The Worthiness of My Bride (15.10.12)

is to be seen upon her glory in presentation, upon her grooming for the groom, upon her steps forward made in time, upon her steadfastness and purity, upon her gallantry and honour, upon her joy and exuberance of li...

The Willingness of God (15.10.12)

God is willing to lend a helping hand, to lend a listening ear, to speak the words of counsel, to break the habits of a lifetime, to venture into an initial relationship, to provide the speech for My Spirit’s preaching in the voi...

The Coatings of The Soul (16.10.12)

are the light bearers before the world: are the indicators of the intensity of the soul, of the status of the soul, of the direction of the soul, of the belief structure of the soul, of the positioning of the soul, of the rate of cha...

I, The Lord, Shall Co-Reign (28.1.14)

for the benefit of all admitted to be in My presence, for the benefit of all adopted into the family of The Father, for the benefit of all for whom a place has been prepared in Zion, for the benefit of all for whom I, …

The Imminence of My Coming (17.10.12)

sweeps in expectation of arrival whose timing remains unknown to man upon the earth, sweeps in the useless use of mirrors by faces who would preen, sweeps in the inspection of the garments without due cause for ch...

The Health of My Flock (18.10.12)

is not to be impaired by Satan, is not to be troubled by his cronies, is not to be fraught with hangers-on, is not to be a stamping ground for demons, is not to be a fishing ground for souls, is not to be bisected by those…

The Hesitancy of My Flock (18.10.12)

is not a sign of confidence, is not a sign of well-being, is not a sign of boldness in the breeding of endeavour, sees it with its testimonies unprepared, with no prayer in mind, with no thought of God, with no witnessing ...

The Prime Directive to Man (19.10.12)

Preparing for eternity is the prime directive from God to man; is the prime directive for man in every season under heaven; is the purpose for the life of man upon the earth; is the objective set for the functioning of ma...

The Golden Bow of God (19.10.12)

is carried by the archer on the white horse, is carried for a purpose, is carried with a goal in mind, is carried across the lands for conquest. The golden bow is carried by the rider seeking companionship in deeds, seek...

The Shell of Man (20.10.12)

is both a blessing and a curse – to man in his realm – to God in His realm, is a blessing to man in its potential for man: for all of its enablements, for all of its structuring, for all of its senses with their capabilities, for all ...

The Pasture of God (20.10.12)

is extensive and has the protection of the fence of truth; receives the latter rains from the opening of the heavens; thrives with streams flowing with the living water; nurtures and nourishes all who feed contentedl...


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