My Scrolls

The Collars of The Shepherd (27.9.12)

“The collars of the shepherd are always clean and tidy.

The collars of the shepherd do not chafe the neck.

The collars of the shepherd are fitted and tested,

                                             are comfortable and precise,

                                             are reliable and last.

The collars of the shepherd are not undone and thrown away,

                                             are not disposed of in a waste bin,

                                             are not inspected and discarded.

The collars of the shepherd function all together,

                                             function as a whole,

                                             function best in participation within a group.

The collars of the shepherd are the guardians of My flock,

                                             are busy with My flock,

                                             are the chastening of My flock.

The collars of the shepherd run both to and fro,

                                             encircle and bunch together,

                                             follow the instructions of the day.

The collars of the shepherd standout from My sheep,

                                             are identifiable and trusted,

                                             are truthful and forgiving,

                                             are trustworthy and honoured.

The collars of the shepherd protect the hearts and minds,

                                             protect the spirits and the souls,

                                             protect the bodies and their walks.

The collars of the shepherd gather and collect,

                                             search and find,

                                             count and verify.

The collars of the shepherd intermingle with My flock,

                                             are known by My flock,

                                             are honoured by My flock.

The collars of the shepherd consider well their actions,

                                             consider well their deeds,

                                             consider well their accountability.

The collars of the shepherd consider well the welfare of My flock,

                                             consider well the health of My flock,

                                             consider well the nurturing of My flock,

                                             consider well the abilities of My lambs at large,

                                             consider well the liveliness of My flock seen in its entirety,

                                             consider well the responsibility inherent with each collar.

The collars of the shepherd know the value of apologies,

                                             know the field of grace,

                                             know the evidence of a remorseful heart among the flock of jurisdiction.

The collars of the shepherd single out and question,

                                             seek answers of intent,

                                             seek the signs of sickness,

                                             administer the medicine required.

The collars of the shepherd have access to the counsel of the ages,

                                             have ears in tune with wisdom,

                                             have memory banks in tune with the history of knowledge,

                                             have hearts in tune with the will of God.

The collars of the shepherd can muster and recall,

                                             can commit to send,

                                             can revoke and reprise.

The collars of the shepherd can be missioned by God,

                                             can be counselled by God,

                                             can be rebuked by God,

                                             can be strengthened by God,

                                             can be protected by God,

                                             can be reassigned by God.

The collars of the shepherd may show signs of wear,

                                             may show signs of age,

                                             may show signs of wisdom acquired,

                                             may show signs of maturity beyond their years,

                                             may show signs of tiredness of position,

                                             may show signs of need for refreshing from the wellspring of the living water.

The collars of the shepherd are essential to My flock:

                                             are essential for its health,

                                             are essential for the directness of its way,

                                             are essential for maintaining the perspective of the vision of the goal,

                                             are essential for exhibiting the reality of the love of God,

                                             are essential for the oversight of each life within the flock entrusted to their care.

The collars of the shepherd are trained and experienced,

                                             are accurate and prompt,

                                             are bold and persevere,

                                             are attentive to the needs of the flock both in time and as witnessed to be required,

                                             are thorough and exhaustive in all they seek to do,

                                             are present in the field of prayer.

The collars of the shepherd feed and nourish the flock of the shepherd,

                                             tend and stimulate the being of the shepherd’s flock,

                                             love and linger within the growth of the shepherd’s flock,

                                             assist and uphold the readying of the bride within My Father’s flock in preparation with
                                                                                                             the giftings.

The collars of the shepherd are the hounds who know and recognize the scent of My Spirit.

The collars of the shepherd are the sheepdogs of The Shepherd in another guise.

The collars of the shepherd are the elders of The Shepherd in their tasking by The Lord.”


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