My Scrolls

The Seed of Faith (3.10.12)

“The seed of faith is not forever dormant,

                              is not restraining in its guardianship,

                              is not abandoning of the sacred trust held for the development of man.

The seed of faith is alive and well in every body soul and spirit –

                                                        waiting for its moment of coming forth in flower.

The seed of faith requires the season of intent,

                                          the season with the days of new growth,

                                          the season of the seed burst in the ground-swell of new faith,

                                          the season leading to the bud burst of faith in action as it flowers,

                                          the season for the setting of the fruit,

                                                                 the days where the fruit is ripening,

                                                                 the days where the fruit is planted –

                                                                                   to feed the springing up of new seedlings born in faith.

The seed of faith carries the fruit of eternal life into the presence of God.

The seed of faith is the enabler of the growth of man with God.

The seed of faith is the purveyor of all the promises of God.

The seed of faith is the starting point of a wondrous journey.

The seed of faith is encompassing of all which is good and just.

The seed of faith is as a miracle within the life of man.

The seed of faith is sprouted subject to the freewill of man.

The seed of faith shines forth the will of God,

                            changes attitudes within a heart,

                            modifies behaviour in line with a long term goal.

The seed of faith has the greatest significance of impact on the life of man,

                            has the importance of the ages attached to it by God,

                            has the epitome of faith loaded within its shell,

                            has the makeup made for faces in the reservoirs of God,

                            has the preparation for the heavens included with its growth,

                            has the oversight of angels in its early nurturing of embedding in the heart of man.

The seed of faith starts the quest for knowledge of The God of man.”


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