My Scrolls

The Weathering of Man (24.1.14)

The weathering of man witnesses his growth in knowledge,

                                      witnesses his changes of belief,

                                      witnesses his adaptation to speed within environments,

                                      witnesses his stability of design,

                                      witnesses to his sheltering under the edifice of God.

The weathering of man witnesses the passing of generations,

                                      witnesses the progress in the cultures,

                                      witnesses the increase in his footprint on the earth,

                                      witnesses the targets of his goals,

                                      witnesses the present abilities of man –

                                                those which would bring the clouds of mystery to the faces of his forebears.

The weathering of man is a wonder of significance:

                                      is a wonder worth remembering,

                                      is a wonder worth understanding,

                                      is a wonder worth improving –

                                      is a wonder filled with pain and suffering;

                                                         filled with destruction brought by warring;

                                                         filled with the sacrifice of lives without sufficient reason;

                                                         filled with greed and seizure with boundaries ignored;

                                                         filled with promises from the day and from the night –

                                                                                                         to later be abjured –

                                                                                                  so to contribute to the mountain of man’s lies.

The weathering of man is a marvel in the making:

                                      is contributed to by each generation;

                                      is present at the book of man’s biography coming to completion;

                                      is as the closing pages of the final chapter upheld by God for man.

The weathering of man has access to his biography,

                                      has access to his history,

                                      has access to his preparation,

                                      has access to his future,

                                      has access to the promises of God,

                                      has access to his progress under the auspices of God.

The weathering of man details the journeying of man:

                                          each with the allotted time as set for preparation within mortality.

The weathering of man opens up the prospect of achievement in the presence of God.

The weathering of man ends on the entry into immortality;

                                      closes opportunities of the flesh;

                                      opens endless possibilities in the presence of each spirit with each soul within each body –

                                                                                 as each three in unity enter collectively into the chosen realm of light.

The chosen realm of light does not act as a child’s seesaw;

                                          does not act as a child’s swing;

                                          does not act as a child’s roundabout.

The chosen realm of light acts as a steadying beacon,

                                                 as a constant output,

                                                 as a realm of travel and discovery as each expands the truth of God.

The chosen realm of light holds the memory pool of the ages,

                                          displays the power and the majesty of God,

                                          contains all which is within the will of God.

The chosen realm of light will astonish the bride of Christ,

                                          will uphold the sacred realm of God,

                                          will surprise those who escaped as through the flames,

                                          will reward those who accepted grace,

                                          will gift each place as prepared by The Lord Jesus,

                                          will keep –

                                                    far beyond the present imagination of man –

                                                              the promises of God as He brings His inheritance forward:

                                                                                   at the welcoming home of His bride into each bridal suite.

The chosen realm of light is the reservoir of existence reserved for the faithful,

                                                                                               the truthful,

                                                                                               the righteous,

                                                                                               the disciples of The Lord –

                                                                                               the followers of Jesus –

                                                                                            My sheep who answered The Shepherd’s call –

                                                                    My sheep who stood prepared in their white gowns without spot or stain –

                                            My sheep who fitted themselves to be counted as My Bride both in unity and in obedience.”



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