My Scrolls

Life After Death (13.9.14)

“Life after death is declared by The God of Abraham.

Life after death has been demonstrated by The Son,

                          has been attested to in truth,

                          has been witnessed before the face of man –

                                              proceeds within the bounds of Faith,

                                                                                           of Grace,

                                                                                           of Righteousness.

Life after death presupposes the power and the authority in the achieving of the resurrection of the dead:

                          has been demonstrated within My ministry on earth,

                          has been demonstrated by The Father when My earth-bound ministry completed,

                          is to be demonstrated in fulfilment of the reconciliation of man with God,

                                                                                                           of God with man,

                                                                                                                    spread-eagled on the cross.

Life after death is on the wish list of man,

                          is established in many cultures of man where the principle is taught with the functioning in error,

                          is to the forefront in many religions of man,

                          is alive and well with satanic influences to distort the truth revealed through sacrifice for the freewill of man.

Life after death is the inheritance of faith,

                          is the belief system brought to pass by example,

                          is the scope of life expanded past the grave,

                          is the opening of the ways and means declared for understanding,

                          is the suffering entailed by The Son of God in ensuring the way is as demonstrated and secured,

                          is as achievable and rewarding,

                          is as promised and fulfilled.

Life after death has the security of the spoken word of God,

                          has a pathway opened to the heavens,

                          has a companion both to guide and to direct,

                          has the gifts of God to remind all of His reality within a world of sin,

                          has the testament of the written word of God –

                                                                                  through His disciples –

                                                                                                        the doubter and the true –

                                                                                            who became the living witnesses who knew that it was so.

Life after death is the inheritance bequeathed by God to man,

                          is the inheritance to be keenly sought by man,

                          is the inheritance allowed to be lost by the intellect of man,

                          is the inheritance in tatters as it is trammelled on the earth,

                          is the inheritance judged as being without merit so left to fall upon the earth,

                                                                                                                   to not be lifted up,

                                                                                                                   to not receive due honour with the love from man.

Life after death starts each as a spirit within the mystery of God,

                          continues as being sent within an envelope of destiny,

                                                                                               of care,

                                                                                               of protection,

                                                                                               of nourishment and growth:

                                                  is presented to the world for a time of preparation,

                                                                                                           of maturing,

                                                                                                           of learning and of faith upheld by grace.

               So the secular battles with the sacred,

                so the vitality of the spirit attempts to guide the soul,

                so the spirit in success leads the soul into fulfilment of a destiny.

                            A destiny so to be held in trust by each spirit –

                              arising from the coming forth of the creation voice of God –

                              and so in readiness for birth into mortality.

               So the grave yields up its treasure of the ages,

                                                   its treasure born and well prepared,

                                                   its treasure now affirmed by prior commitment and so awaiting the uplifting home:

                                                                                                       into the treasury of God where such may dwell therein.

Life after death participates in a grand design where the spirit and the soul are duly honoured in an estate of grandeur;

                                                                     or where the spirit accompanies the soul in a choice to be respected,

                                                                          where once there the spirit meets with its demise and the soul goes on alone.

Life after death is not meant to witness life ending in defeat:

                          is not meant to be a soliloquy ending in disaster;

                          is not meant to be the ultimate repository of the soul.

Life after death holds dear the future plans of God for man –

                          requires a commitment in mortality in order to garner,

                                                                                                 to be surrounded by –

                                                                                                 to receive the promises of inheritance;

                                                                                                 to receive an allotted dwelling place;

                                                                                                 to receive the gown of life with the white stone presented:

                                                                                          all so stored up for life in the presence of The Living God.”


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