My Scrolls

A Journey Through Life (6.8.15)

“The watchdog of the prairies is the prairie dog.

The watchdog of the prairies is a squirrel in the ground,

                                                   a squirrel under ground,

                                                   a squirrel with a hidden network to wander as his will defines.

A squirrel underground is not a squirrel in a tree,

                                                a squirrel in a park,

                                                a squirrel in another land,

                                                a squirrel on a wire behaving as a walker as on a tightrope,

                                                a walker of a high wire which goes from here to there.

A walker on a high wire has confidence aplenty,

                                        has faith within his actions,

                                        has a precarious positioning,

                                        has abilities he deems to have made such safe and secure for a journey across a chasm.

A journey across a chasm sees an abyss below,

                                          sees the anchor points at either end,

                                          sees concentration to the fore,

                                          sees the balance point as critical,

                                          sees one step at a time,

                                          sees one step of completion onto the firm and upright.

A journey through life can encounter chasms where a fall is likely to be fatal,

                                                                         where the abyss is waiting,

                                                                         where the anchor points are out of reach,

                                                                         where the balance is there in faith,

                                                                         where faith prevails until the resting post is reached,

                                                                         where the taking of the final step is secure within knowledge of being onto a firm

A journey through life needs to avoid the perils and the pitfalls so the goal may be attained.

A journey through life is much easier and certain when accompanied by a companion –

                                                                                                        who can be trusted to go before to screen a lighted way.

A journey through life is often walked alone where the winds of change do buffet and desert,

                                                                        where the flow and ebb of estuaries make essential the having of a boat,

                                                                        where the sun and lack of shadows create a thirst demanding water,

                                                                        where directions are most difficult to determine when alone and dark,

                                                                        where a roadmap for the stars is not found readied for the pathway waiting to be trod,

                                                                        where the goal itself remains uncertain and arrival is not clear-cut.

A journey through life is better when in the company of faith for preparation,

                                                   when accompanied by wise counsel so disasters can be avoided,

                                                   when a companion has walked the way before and knows the journey home,

                                                   when the goal is understood and affirmed within agreement on the password,

                                                   when progress is measured and compiled as the stations are achieved and left behind,

                                                   when the goal approaches as lit with light so set aside for the dawning of a new day.

A journey through life can achieve a goal well set within a heart,

                                                                    well set with a companion in place,

                                                                    well set with all the gifts received for use along the way,

                                                                    well set with the counselling available which enables the avoidance of a stumble,

                                                                    well set with a committed goal of choice at the ending of an upward gradient,

                                                                    well set prepared and readied for the welcome home with the downward slippery slope
                                                                                                                                                                                nowhere to be seen.

A journey to eternal life is a three stage process,

                                    commences as a spirit of creation dwelling in eternity and knowledge with God,

                               continues with the birth into mortality for the spirit to acquire a body and a soul,

                            continues within the bounds of time and with the temporary wiping of past memories,

                       continues in mortality so man may demonstrate his freewill commitment to the loving God by acquiring and learning
                                                                                         in a time of preparation that which will be needed on exiting from the grave,

                   summits on answering a call into eternity to dwell within the family of God:

                                                                                                               then among His presence and all the works of God.

For then is memory restored and the database through all the generations of man cross-linked:

                                                                                                               to be made available with relatives to the fore.

For then does man see the plan of God for man’s eternal well-being inherited from within man’s willing response:

                                                                                                                                to the call to faith when within mortality.

For then will man be well rewarded for his obedience and trust:

                                                                              which so led him forward to The God of Sacrifice and Reconciliation;

                                                                                                      where Grace would be successful;

                                                                                                      where the entirety of The Law was unachievable by man;

                                                                                                      where Mercy will again attend the pleadings of man –

                                                                                                                                            in the presence of  The Thrones.”


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