My Scrolls

The Coming Saints of God (14.6.15)

“The coming saints of God are not made of wood,

                                             are not made of clay,

                                             are not made of mire,

                                             are not made for hire.

The coming saints of God are made to stand,

                                           are brought forth to withstand,

                                           are made to be.

The coming saints of God are made for an existence in fellowship with God,

                                           are made for a selective destiny which lasts beyond the edge of time,

                                           are made for removal from the peril of the end-time harvesting of God.

          For the end-time harvesting of God strips free the tares from among the wheat,

                                                                    strips free the peril of the tares as they are unmasked,

                                                                    strips free the satanic impulses which so bind the tares in servitude.

The coming saints of God are the rice strains of the future,

                                           are the rice strains with an impressive yield,

                                           are the rice strains with improving productivity,

                                           are the rice strains which can feed the hungry,

                                           are the rice strains which are strong enough to stand,

                                           are the rice strains which can make a difference in the lives of man.

The coming saints of God are the rice strains of transplantation,

                                           are the rice strains with new beginnings,

                                           are the rice strains quick to learn and to acquire,

                                           are the rice strains embedded in a new culture in which they are enabled so to thrive.

The coming saints of God are at home within the circus of humanity,

                                           can walk a high wire to success,

                                           can swing as if on a trapeze to span a barren land.

The coming saints of God are versatile and skilled,

                                           are experienced and energetic,

                                           are committed and persevere.

The coming saints of God are valued and appreciated,

                                           are educated and intelligent,

                                           are vocal and informed.

The coming saints of God gather as a wave about to break upon a shore,

                                           gather in their numbers as counted by their families,

                                           gather in the promise of a welcome with understanding,

                                           gather in the presence with the elderly and dear,

                                           gather in the expectation of an improving life,

                                           gather in the hope of truthfulness in all they have read and heard.

The coming saints of God are open to fresh evidence,

                                           are open to fresh possibilities,

                                           are open to fresh ways of belief.

The coming saints of God are spreaders of the word among their families,

                                           are the committed sons and daughters of The God of Love discovered,

                                           are the wondrous and amazed at The Living God at large,

                                           are incredulous and excited in hearing of all The God of Nations can do in His relationship with man.

The coming saints of God are awaiting to be thrilled with each discovery of the gifts of God,

                                                                                                                   of the new tongues waiting in the wings,

                                                                                                                of hearing with understanding the voice of God –

                                                                                                                   within a living temple wherein My Spirit dwells.

The coming saints of God are earnest in their quest for information,

                                           are vociferous in the holiness of praise and worship,

                                           are committed to the wonders and the miracles within the healing power of God,

                                           are reverent and grateful to the sacrifice of God,

                                           are understanding of the intensity sacred to eternity:

                                                                                       bringing both a new destiny of faith and a shared belief in truth.

The coming saints of God forsake iniquity and sin with the onset of accountability,

                                           welcome grace and forgiveness upon the sincerity of repentance,

                                           delete the lies and blasphemy from the utterances of man:

                                                                       as part of the relationship with The Loving God of Revelation and of Truth.”


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