My Scrolls

The Conditional Promises of God (19.7.14)

“The promises of God impact on the life of man.

The promises of God surround the life of man.

The promises of God are for the life of man.

The promises of God are upheld in the presence of the life of man.

The promises of God are not lightly given,

                                   are never forgotten,

                                   are not subject to excuse,

                                   are not put aside for another day,

                                   are not subject to retraction.

The promises of God stand as they are issued,

                                   are not in need of modifying,

                                   are just in their intent.

The promises of God speak into the life of man:

                                   speak of His love and sacrifice,

                                   speak of the fall of grace,

                                   speak of His wrath to come,

                                   speak of his bride in waiting,

                                   speak of His return in glory.

The promises of God have a time set for fulfilment,

                                   are not an open-ended statement of intent,

                                   are clear and well-defined,

                                   are not in need of interpretation,

                                   are clear and meaningful when translated with the key of excellence.

The promises of God oft carry conditions set for both outward and inward behaviour,

                                                                         for the state of the spirit,

                                                                         for the state of the soul,

                                                                         for the state of the body. 

The promises of God oft carry conditions set by My Spirit,

                                        conditions set for testimony by The Son,

                                        conditions set for acceptance by The Father.

The promises of God oft carry conditions set by God to be encountered in the preparation of man for inclusion in the family of God.

The promises of God with conditions should have such examined until understanding dawns:

                                                                                                                      of the implications,

                                                                                                                      of the extent of limits,

                                                                                                                      of the degree of relevance,

                                                                                                                      of the right to claim,

                                                                                                                      of the effects of grace.

The promises of God claimed,

                while conditions remain unmet,

                             are neither in effect nor upheld in the life of man –

                                                                    whether in the flock of The Good Shepherd,

                                                                    or in the dwelling places within the jungles of the earth.

The promises of God only fail in their intent when the claimant does not qualify.

The promises of God are always kept in the presence of a valid claim.

The promises of God classify the validity dependent on the destiny arising from freewill.

The conditional promises of God are to encourage compliance with the will of God:

                                                      are to encourage progression out of sin,

                                                      are to encourage righteous faith,

                                                      are to encourage truthful speech,

                                                      are to encourage the benefits of good health,

                                                      are to encourage the covering of grace.

The conditional promises of God carry qualifying adjectives whose presence denotes a purpose,

                                                                                           are not imposed lightly without care,

                                                                                           are each considered prior to use within the wisdom of God.

The conditional promises of God do not vary with a change of meaning attaching to a word when instigated within a culture of man.

The conditional promises of God are not dependent on a changing interpretation to My Word –

                                                       which softens the intent or scope or application from the past into the present.

The conditional promises of God are used in foolishness when the condition –

                                                                                                          is detached,

                                                                                                          is not fulfilled,

                                                                                                          is ignored,

                                                                                                          is bent to fit an enshrouded soul,

                                                                                                          is a check unto the spirit.

The conditional promises of God are to be received by the qualified,

                                                      are to be marked for progression,

                                                      are to be greeted when achieved.

The conditional promises of God mark the wise in their quest for release from the conditions:

                                                      mark the bride approaching purity,

                                                      mark the captive seeking freedom,

                                                      mark the oppressor dwelling in repentance,

                                                      mark the achievements of the soul under the spirit’s counsel.

The promises of God bring forth a time of celebration for man as he enters into,

                                                                                                and is greeted by,

                                                                                                                 the family of God.”


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