My Scrolls

The Fertility of Man (3.6.15)

“The fertility of man has two heads upon a pillow,

                                   has plans laid out for a future,

                                   has the sweet scent of agreement.

The fertility of man speaks to the future both from the present and the past.

The fertility of man dissipates with age,

                                 succumbs to the totalling of the years,

                                 rejoices in the development of children.

The fertility of man pleasures both the husband and his wife,

                                                both the wife and her husband. 

The fertility of man is the secret to continuance,

                                 is the love field of a union,

                                 is the fruit of the loins bequeathed from within the marriage bed.

The fertility of man is a long term commitment,

                                 speaks of bringing to maturity,

                                 speaks of the supplying of the necessities of life,

                                                                            the safety of a home,

                                                                            the welfare of the intellect, 

                                             of meeting expectations of an expanding life.

The fertility of man can be corrupted by man,

                                 can be made self-serving for man,

                                 can be a selfish act of will,

                                 can be based upon selection,

                                 can be furnished in the meeting of a want,

                                 can be destroyed upon rejection.

The fertility of man can be made a matter of convenience,

                                 can be subject to exploitation,

                                 can be captured by an opened purse,

                                 can be brought into the arena where time becomes a plaything in the creation of a doll.

The fertility of man spreads out from a wedding,

                                 spreads into a family,

                                 spreads in bringing blessings,

                                 spreads in achieving the fulfilment of two lives.

The fertility of man is sacred with divine arrangement,

                                 is sacred with the assignment of each spirit,

                                 is sacred with the coming of the soul,

                                 is sacred with development in the imaging of God.

The fertility of man has safeguards on the matching,

                                 has rules within inheritance,

                                 has feedback on viability,

                                 has a time of nourishment and care –

                                                                             of both the precious and the fragile.

The fertility of man rewards and verifies,

                                 stretches and accommodates,

                                 confirms and is worthwhile,

                                 brings forth and bestows the wondrous gifts of God.

The fertility of man formulates and schedules the cycles of The Lord,

                                 receives and appreciates the bounty from the fullness of the time,

                                 loves and raises each child of God entrusted to such care.

The fertility of man is timed within mortality,

                                 is timed for mortality,

                                 is timed for the viewing of several generations,

                                 is timed for the nursing and the education.

The fertility of man has a starting point and an endpoint,

                                 has the oversight of assisting the journeying through life,

                                 has access to the guidance which instates as a star of God,

                                 has access to the guidance to enquiry as to the ’Welcome Home’,

                                 has access to the guidance to adoption into the family of God.

The fertility of man leads to the grace of God,

                                          to the reunion among the stars,

                                          to reflection on achievement,

                                          to the sanctity of attainment,

                                          to a life where fulfilment marries happiness,

                                          to where joyousness reaches out to open arms and smiles adorn the faces.

The fertility of man is an essential component in man’s creation story –

                                                                                                    as man selects a destiny of exaltation in eternity –

                                                                                 in the presence of The Loving Living God.”


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