My Scrolls

The Journeying of Life (1.10.14)

“The journeying of life is mostly fixated on the quests for food,

                                      is mostly concerned with the process of sustaining life,

                                      is mostly to be found in the comforting of the appetite of man.

The journeying of life can be fast or short,

                                    can be slow or long,

                                    can be difficult or easy –

                                                    depending on the starting point,

                                                                          the distance needing to be covered,

                                                                          the impairments placed within the body,

                                                                          the life events encountered.

The journeying of life gathers the necessities of life when nowhere to be seen.

The journeying of life is attended by both need and function.

The journeying of life is determined by the accident,

                                                           by the stilling of the metronome,

                                                           by the action of freewill,

                                                           by the rest in peace.

The journeying of life builds memories of discovery,

                                    builds memories of change,

                                    builds memories of life events stored within the soul.

The journeying of life can be filled or empty,

                                    can be lonely or accompanied,

                                    can be carefree or distraught.

The journeying of life reflects the freewill of man,

                                    reflects the contribution of the spirit,

                                    reflects the status of the soul.

The journeying of life gathers the discoveries of life,

                                                 the discoveries which feed the spirit and the soul,

                                                 the discoveries improving the accounts of life,

                                                 the discoveries easing the ways of life,

                                                 the discoveries to be laid down as the building blocks of character.

The journeying of life gathers the wisdom for discernment;

                                                 the wisdom to enable the avoiding of the swamps of entrapment,

                                                                                    the avoiding of the jungles of corruption for the body,

                                                                                    the avoiding of the forests filled with darkness where the sunlight never reaches;

                                                 the wisdom attained to supervise the knowledge base of man;

                                                 the wisdom to place the feet with care,

                                                                     to use the hands in cleanliness,

                                                                     to give voice to that which carries no offence;

                                                 the wisdom designed to be nurtured for an even grander use within maturity;

                                                 the wisdom of man is not of the fallacy of man,

                                                                                 is not to be a simulation of the devil,

                                                                                 is to be as granted in arising from the earnest prayer.

The journeying of life keeps a rubbish tin to hand:

                                    casts off the burrs which try to stick or cling;

                                    throws off the curses indigenous to history;

                                    rejects the streets of shame where lust permeates the footpaths;

                                    checks the tongue for discarding of the utterances which would fail the test of truth,

                                                                                                                                 of integrity,

                                                                                                                                 of honour,

                                                                                                                                        within a building character.

The journeying of life is not a time capsule to be filled with regrets or ill-founded memories,

                                                                      to be filled with arguments or disillusionment,

                                                                      to be filled with anger or with violence.

The journeying of life is to be as an album of a life filled with the supremacy of the one;

                                                                                            with a priority of attending to the golden rule of love –

                                                         in so as treating the brotherhood and the sisterhood of man –

                                                         in so far as the treating of oneself.

The journeying of life can be as a patchwork quilt –

                                                as a mismatch of directions with intent;

                                    can be as a circling round a mountain –

                                                without the attaining of a vista readied for the viewing;

                                    can be filled with frustration –

                                                as an attempt to mix both oil and water without a blending agent.

The journeying of life can carry a blending agent to smooth a troubled journey,

                                                         to advise a better course to follow,

                                                         to open up the insights which confirm a precious goal,

                                                         to go before and signpost the way as set aside to travel,

                                                         to remove the imposed restrictions to see the sights of grandeur:

                                                                                 for the wondering at the wonders,

                                                                                 for the marvelling at the marvels,

                                                                                 for the presentation of the miracles,

                                                                                 for the compilation of a record of companionship.

The journeying of life is not a journey into oblivion,

                                                              into reincarnation as a minor form of life;

                                    is not intended as a journey into the realm of satanic darkness.

The journeying of life is intended as rewarding a grateful heart,

                                                                            a spirit supervising the activities of the soul,

                                                                            an honouring of the record of the freewill of man.

The journeying of life is intended to end in the family of God,

                                                                  in the relationship of glory,

                                                                  in the enhancement of the senses with the body –

                                                                                                   to fulfil the original destiny of man.”


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