My Scrolls

The Nettings of God (4.6.15)

“The nettings of God are not visible to man,

                                   do not activate his senses,

                                   cause no narrowing of his eyes.

The nettings of God impose no restrictions on the freewill of man.

The nettings of God seek no restrictions on the freewill of man.

The nettings of God validate a response of love within the freewill of man.

The nettings of God encircle a triumphant heart with its spirit kept in tow,

                                 encircle a subservient soul as its spirit goes before,

                                 encircle the watch tower of the body as a repository of faith,

                                 encircle the compounding of the character as righteousness is dominant,

                                 encircle the armour of God as wisdom is acquired,

                                 encircle the affirmed commitment of the body soul and spirit in unity of relationship with God.

The nettings of God contain the embodiment of the love of God.

The nettings of God catch the prayers of the saints.

The nettings of God scoop up the cries for help,

                                 scoop up the cries of grief,

                                 scoop up the cries of pain.

The nettings of God sift out the lies of carriers,

                                 sift out the sin fields of the players,

                                 sift out the slip knots of addiction as fitted to the necks of flesh:

                                 sift out the tainted feeders who seek to hide among the saints of God.

The nettings of God catch the activities of the saints.

The nettings of God raise to the surface the gratitude expressed to God,

                                                                 the implanted and the broken resulting from the tasking,

                                                                 the blessings and the curses as either loosed or bound,

                                                                 the healing and the freeing as perceived and sought.

The nettings of God are active within the light of Christ,

                                                  under the empowering of The Spirit,

                                                  within the approval of The Father.

The nettings of God are seeking and proclaiming that which lies within the will of God,

                                 are the scribings of My Spirit on the slates of life,

                                 are the the records of remembrance from mortality shaping life within eternity,

                                 are the high points of mortality marking attainment within the grace of God,

                                 are the circumstances of high esteem within the oversight of God,

                                 are the achievements of discipleship within the counselling of My Spirit.

The nettings of God are not composed of a fine mesh in the water,

                                                               of a coarse mesh in the air.

The nettings of God are as silken threads adhering yet not felt upon the face,

                                 are trailed through both man’s time and living space;

                                 accompany the voyagers as they are captured by and depart from the scenes of God,

                                 accompany the venturers as they explore and discover the ways of God,

                                 accompany the travellers as they register on the scales of God,

                                 accompany the investigators as they register their knocks on the door of entry:

                                                                                                                                              to be surprised by God.

The nettings of God are neither trivial nor open to interpretation by man,

                                 are determined by the treatment imposed upon the nettings after being broken as to length.

The nettings of God are sensitive to the claims of man,

                                 are enabled to dissect the claims of man,

                                 are the skilled appraisers of the résumés of life –

                                                                     whether each qualifies either as the truth of fact or the imagining of fiction.

The nettings of God are continually updated,

                                 are always accurate and current,

                                 are awaiting the call of God.”


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