My Scrolls

The Presenting of The Saints (4.7.15)

“The presenting of the saints before their God is in preparation for presenting –

                                                                              as the royalty of Heaven,

                                                                              as the royalty of Earth,

                                                                              as presenting in new garb which befits My Kings- and Queens-in-waiting.

The presenting of the saints is as the family of God,

                                             is as the queues form on the left,

                                             is as the handshakes are matched with the faces and the names,

                                             is as the new names are locked away within the memories of those attending.

The presenting of the saints are as the courtiers of God,

                                             are as the nobles and the martyrs,

                                             are as the equerries and the officers,

                                             are as the ushers and the attendants,

                                             are as the serving and the free,

                                             are as each is known among My servants within My Bride by the Master of The Ceremonies:

                                                                              in preparation for the coronations of My Kings- and Queens-in-waiting.

The presenting of the saints to The Father hears the testimony of each by Jesus,

                                                                                                                     The Messiah and The Christ,

                                                                                                                     The Good Shepherd of His Flock:

                                                                             including the history and prior testimony of each spirit with the soul;

                                                                                                                                      and the taskings within freewill –

                                                                                                                     as they affirm the adornments on the gowns of life.

The presenting of the saints is the summation of the ages,

                                             is the end-point from mortality pointing to the opening of eternity,

                                             is the peaking of the preparation of the saints,

                                             is the achieving of perfection within the body soul and spirit,

                                             is the summiting of faith with wisdom –

                                                                                          into the installation of wisdom with knowledge,

                                             is the opus of God as laid before His worshippers where love is to the fore.

The presenting of the saints is an inheritance as promised,

                                             is an inheritance moved into reality,

                                             is an inheritance where the treasure chests are opened for inspection and applying,

                                             is an inheritance affirming righteousness with peace,

                                             is an inheritance arising from the transitioning of the saints.

The presenting of the saints sets in place the glow of righteousness,

                                             sets in place the readying of the crowns,

                                             sets in place the positioning of the thrones,

                                             sets in place the fragrance of My Spirit in the purity of His charges.

The presenting of the saints opens the doors worthy of enquiry,

                                             opens investigations of content unseen,

                                             opens discussions of what can be and is.

The presenting of the saints offers introductions to the heroes of a childhood,

                                             offers introductions to those who lived within the early church,

                                             offers introductions to all which has gone before and after.

The presenting of the saints opens stairways to the studies,

                                             opens stairways to the libraries,

                                             offers stairways to the rooms for selection of digital displays,

                                             offers rooms of interest where the saints may linger,

                                             offer rooms of silence and reflection –

                                                                       on all which has so assailed the new and expanded senses of the saints.

The presenting of the saints opens up the meeting places of the memories,

                                                             the sources of the dreams,

                                                             the validations of the visions built on faith,

                                                             the potentials of the inspirations and the insights.

The presenting of the saints is the end of the beginning –

                                      both to the bounds familiar within mortality and the completion of the introduction to Eternity –

                                                                                                                                                          where heaven is and so is God.”


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