My Scrolls

Greetings from Your King (30.6.16)

“Salutations from the King of kings speaks of words from afar,

                                                          speaks of the written word,

                                                          speaks of formality in action,

                                                          speaks of the kingly distancing within His rule and reign.

Salutations from the King of kings sets up boundaries which cannot easily be crossed,

                                                         sets up a sternness in presentation which brings frigidity to the air,

                                                         sets up the ‘fear’ of the King of kings with a completely different meaning,

                                                         sets up an approach where handshakes are quite stiff,

                                                                                          where bows are quite precise,

                                                                                          where protocols are strict and hide behind obedience,

                                                                                          where eye contact is not the first choice of the day.

Salutations from the King of kings is to be thrown out with the ‘soup’ of yesterday,

                                                         is to be detached from the throne of God,

                                                         is to be banished from His kingdom,

                                                         is to go to where the used frowns pile up in a corner to await the rubbish tin,

                                                         is to be treated as ‘past the use by date’ and not to rear up in presenting its imaging
                                                                                                                                                            or voice again. 

    For the coloured stallions,

                           the red the black the pale,

                           have run their dash across the landscapes of man. 

    For the rider of the white horse leads His retinue in victory,

                                        has won the hearts and souls of man—

          Hearken to the call of The Lord ringing out within His courts of praise and worship:

                                                                                                                               with The Song of The Lamb,

                                                                                                                                       The Anthem of the King;

                                                                                                                               with the fanfares of immediacy heard trumpeting—

                                                                                                                                                          ‘Greetings now and forever more.’ 

    For He is risen.

           He is risen in deed.

                       And His bride is welcomed home.

‘Greetings from your King’ acknowledges His love and presence,

                                             acknowledges His caring and provisioning,

                                             acknowledges His success and victory.

‘Greetings from your King’ acknowledges His presence amongst His saints,

                                                                     His presence before His people,

                                                                     His presence with His Bride.

‘Greetings from your King’ speaks of His inheritance from The Father,

                                             speaks of the coronation of The Son by The Holy Spirit in the presence of The Father—

                                                                                                                                                                     as The Three-in-One,

                                                                                                                                                                 The Holy Trinity of God,

                                             speaks of The Kingdom’s crown established firmly in its place upon the rightful heir.

‘Greetings from your King’ greets the refreshed and responsive,

                                             greets the enthused and eager,

                                             greets the active and ambitious.

‘Greetings from your King’ reveals fidelity due the King,

                                             reveals a throne now fully occupied,

                                             reveals fealty as a tribute from within the fear of God.

‘Greetings from your King’ should serenade the souls of the saints,

                                             should comfort the spirits of the bride at home within their places as prepared,

                     should affirm the safe harbour of the bodies of the committed within their gowns of eternal life.

‘Greetings from your King’ says all is well within the kingdom,

                                                     all is well upon a throne,

                                                     all is well in terms of governance.

‘Greetings from your King’ speaks of sanctity of being,

                                             speaks of accomplishment of a goal,

                                             speaks of a transition from a time of preparation to the completion in eternity.

‘Greetings from your King’ is a call upon the status of the co-heirs of the Kingdom,

                                                                                                            of responsibilities inherited and now shared,

                                                                                                            of judgement and of truth as determinators of justice—

                                                                                                                     for the heart the soul the body in a time foregone.

‘Greetings from your King’ reminds of reverence retained,

                                                           of supervision still required,

                                                           of governance as propounded for the gatherings of man.

‘Greetings from your King’ declares order is determined,

                                             declares order is preserved,

                                             declares evil is overcome.

‘Greetings from your King’ is the reserve of kings,

                                             is the reserve of responsibilities,

                                             is the reserve for those instated by The Lord—

                                                                             for all as drawn from among His bride.

‘Greetings from your King’ reverberates among the heavens,

                                             resonates upon the Earth.”


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