My Scrolls

The Sparkle of A Diamond (6.3.16)

“The sparkle of a diamond as cut and polished by man is beautiful to behold,

                                                                                        is beautiful to wear,

                                                                                        is beautiful to own,

                                                                                        is beautiful as a repository of wealth,

                                                                                        is beautiful as the size increases,

                                                                                        is beautiful as it transfers through the generations.

The sparkle of a diamond as prepared by God is not limited by size,

                                                                          is a blaze of light,

                                                                          is triumphant in its presence,

                                                                          is not contaminated by value,

                                                                          is spectacular in appearance,

                                                                          is a raiser of appreciation,

                                                                          is seen in decoration of My garden.

The sparkle of a diamond reflects the eyes of God,

                                          reflects the light of God,

                                          reflects the purity of God.

The sparkle of a diamond is the standard of eternal life set for existence in My garden.

The sparkle of a diamond neither fades nor wears away within eternity of My garden,

                                          only is besmeared within mortality:

                                                         where it is treated as a depository –

                                                                        for that which would diminish its sparkle as prescribed by man.

The sparkle of a diamond is not an innate property of a diamond;

                                          depends upon the light available for re-direction,

                                          depends upon the source,

                                          depends upon intensity,

                                          depends upon surroundings,

                                          depends upon the size,

                                          depends upon the purity,

                                          depends upon the cut.

The sparkle of a diamond is the end result of skill:

                                                    governed both by knowledge mixed with wisdom –

                                                                    to release the sparkle from what lies upon a bench.

The sparkle of a diamond emerges from the rough:

                                                    under hands of capability both guiding and directing;

                                                    under hands born both of practise and experience;

                                                    under hands both persevering and completing.

The sparkle of a diamond is substantive in its presence.

The sparkle of a diamond has its parallel in man:

                                          has its parallel in his birth into mortality;

                                          has its parallel with his development from the rough;

                                          has its parallel with care in loving hands;

                                          has its parallel with the shedding of impurities;

                                          has its parallel with the ability of his shining;

                                          has its parallel with the brightness of his light;

                                          has its parallel with his selection for presence in My garden;

                                          has its parallel as he dwells within the purity of eternity –

                                                                                                     so enabling a reflection in the eyes of God.

The sparkle of a diamond should not remain hidden in an unfound stone,

                                          should not remain lying without an opportunity to change,

                                          should not forever be remaining as it was –

                                                            never to attain its full potential so its glory may shine forth.

The sparkle of a diamond should be the goal of man:

                                                               to be found both ready and waiting and willing to be changed by a master craftsman;

                                                               to attain the fullness of the promise as purity is achieved;

                                                               to be selected to dwell forever within My garden –

                                                                                                                                     in a place which is prepared.

The sparkle of a diamond sparkles still in the presence of man:

                                                                                   is no longer overshadowed by man;

                                                                                   is no longer gathered selfishly by man;

                                                                                   is no longer placed where the sun can no longer reach –

                                                                                                          where trips outside are mostly in the darkness –

                                                                                                                           when only lit by the lights of man.

The sparkle of a diamond is designed to sparkle all its life,

                                          is designed to remind man of its being,

                                                                                     of the changes wrought,

                                                                                     of how it has been changed.

The sparkle of a diamond is subject to how man’s possessive strength has overlain its freedom –

                                                                                        to keep it in the darkness where its sparkle is not seen,

                                                                                        to hide it in a vault from where it is not easily released,

                                                                                        to prevent admiring eyes appreciating its history of creation –

                                                                                                                                   and the testimony it bears.

The sparkle of a diamond still keeps its affinity with the parallel of man:

                                                                                   who is also designed to sparkle all his life;

                                                                                                 to remind man of the changes made within a life;

                                                                                                             of how such display in fullness with amazement on completion.

The sparkle of a diamond has its parallel in the freewill of man:

                                                                   his coating of the contaminants of life which prevent his shining;

                                                                           of his imprisonment within the vaults of Satan where his glory is not realised,

                                                                                 where his testimony is not established for qualifying a future both in time and space.

The sparkle of a diamond should be sought by man:

                                                   that he too should sparkle as he was born to do;

                                                   that he may participate in The Bride of Christ –

                                                                   to be part of the glory of the sparkling that will surround the bridegroom –

                                                          in the presence of The Father where the testimonies are heard in receiving His acceptance.”


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