My Scrolls

The Bleating of My Sheep (3.4.16)

“The bleating of My sheep are evidence they do not speak in unison,

                                                                 they do not speak with wisdom,

                                                                 they do not speak in their tongues without encouragement.

The bleating of My sheep are oft within the flock,

                                          are somewhat rare in seeking God.

The bleating of My sheep are circuitous and repetitive,

                                          rarely touch on the need for preparation:

                                          rarely catch the interest of My bride.

The bleating of My sheep really should know much better,

                                                    should gather in their enthusiasm,

                                                    should be eager for progression,

                                                    should stamp their feet in agreement built on compliance and not that of defiance,

                                                    should surround themselves with counsel which will lead them home,

                                                    should activate their spirits and their souls to direct their bodies while it is today.

The bleating of My sheep are often a chorus of unbelief,

                                                         a chorus of the trivial,

                                                         a chorus of the frivolous,

                                                         a chorus not worth the time of listening,

                                                         a chorus wherein there is a need for exculpation of My bride.

The bleating of My sheep should search and find and do that which they have been asked,

                                          should not debate commandments,

                                          should not pull down the tent in which they shelter,

                                          should not damage or defile the edifice of God.

The bleating of My sheep need to know Me better,

                                          need to have more frequent conversations,

                                          need to acquire the entrée to the hearing of My voice.

The bleating of My sheep rarely contain a testimony of the activities of God within a life:

                                                          thereby will such fail to qualify to be included in the bride;

                                                          thereby will such fail to generate the reason for the testimony of The Lord before The Father;

                                                          thereby will such fail to have security in the bridging of the gap,

                                                                                                                         until such is not the case,

                                                                                               when and as My Spirit so records in The Lamb’s Book of Life.

The bleating of My sheep show little dissatisfaction,

                                          are more about family history and intent as filtered through the ‘busyness’ –

                                                                                                 with time so wasted by the encroachment of TV,

                                                           where semi-vacant eyes regard matters not worthy of remembering even ’til the morrow,

                                                           where repetition catches all with the polished hook –

                                                                                  there to be beached within a chair and found not even struggling to be free.

The bleating of My sheep need targeting with arrowheads –

                                                 further to transform hearts of satisfaction –

                                                 unto completion under wisdom based on knowledge:

                                                 so expectations soar for the hungry and the feeding.

The bleating of My sheep speaks of not settling where the pasture is lean and unappetizing,

                                                                              where the hay is dry without many nutrients,

                                                                              where the evening meal is bypassed to be left unscheduled for some future day,

                                                                              where water is served instead of milk,

                                                                              where meat rarely appears among the fare,
                                                                              where the meals are lacking both in content and in failing to locate

                                                                                                                                                                               the eager appetites.

The bleating of My sheep are suffering stunting of their growth,

                                          are not likely to retire to a new plateau where the fare is better,

                                          cannot be heard while ears are not tuned to that which should be heard,

                                          cannot be subject to change while the rocks remain beached upon the shore:

                                                                                                        where new waves are rushing to surround,

                                                                                                only to be ignored and beaten by withdrawal.

The bleating of My sheep will encounter the end-time bag of opportunities,

                                                        opened with the contents scattered,

                                                                     with the options there to be selected,

                                                                     with the tools renewed and working,

                                                                     with the pasture recharged and replenished on a different scale,

                                                                     with the fare both of interest and nutritious there for growth within the flock,

                                                                                                                                    for the fattening of the flock,

                                                                                                                                    for the energizing of the flock,

                                                                                                                                    for the excitement of the flock,

                                                                                                                                    for the chartering of the flock,

                                                                                                                                    for the new found testimonies
                                                                                                                                                                                 within the flock:

                                                                                                                                    for enabling the onward works of God.”


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