My Scrolls

The Days of Thunder-2 (19.4.16)

“The days of thunder are approaching as an express train travelling at speed.

The days of thunder are the follow-ups to the onset of the end-time troubling of man.

The days of thunder announce the rebellion of creation against the jurisdiction of man.

The days of thunder cascade from Heaven without a let-up or a respite.

The days of thunder shake and vibrate the structures of man,

                                 lay waste all the shelters of the iniquities of man,

                                 set to nought the evil plans of man,

                                 brings to accountability the freewill of man as it runs amok with harm and injury and death.

The days of thunder test the very foundations of the integrity of man,

                                                                          of the righteousness of man,

                                                                          of the truthfulness of man,

                                                                          of the hypocrisy of man,

                                                                          of the altruism of man,

                                                                          of the character of man.

The days of thunder bring the tempest with the rain,

                                 bring the quagmires with the barriers to movement,

                                 bring the penitent to prayer upon their knees,

                                 bring the obnoxious to flee from where they stand to the imagined shelter of resources,

                                 bring the multitudes of hate,

                                                                  of force,

                                                                  of violence and of death –

                                           the bearers of the weaponry of man –

                                           the conquistadores of today who harry as they chase,

                                                                                        who cast to the ground with the chop and slice regardless of
                                                                                                                                                                           the victim’s pleas,

                                                                                                     where mercy is out of reach,

                                                                                                     where grace no longer is sought to dwell nor made to feel at home.

The days of thunder fix the record of the beastliness of man,

                                                       of the call to ride roughshod over all that man has valued,

                                                       of the destruction wrought upon the safe havens of man,

                                                       of the laying waste of the lands of man.

The days of thunder are not many in their number,

                                 are extensive in their reach,

                                 are vicious in their coming,

                                 are exhausted in retreat.

The days of thunder witness the broken glass,

                                 witness the fires of man,

                                 witness the dragging and the screaming,

                                 witness the failed attempts to flee.

The days of thunder see the upraised hands which do not encounter mercy,

                                 see the calls to war as hostilities prevail,

                                 see the foes at loggerheads as one strikes down the other,

                                 see the crippled and the maimed as they assume their roles of begging for relief.

The days of thunder do not share,

                                 do not befriend,

                                 do not assist a neighbour in his plight,

                                 do neither shepherd nor protect the mothers with the children under stress and loss.

The days of thunder measure the multitudes at risk of life and limb,

                                 measure the inclement weather as it beats upon the skin,

                                 measure the destructive forces where prayer does not exist,

                                 measure the soup bowls of the hungry and forlorn.

The days of thunder leave scenes of desolation:

                                                      of death and of destruction,

                                                      of selfishness and of cruelty,

                                                      of lies and of pillaging,

                                                      of abuse and of desertion.

The days of thunder open doors to the escape of many,

                                                    to the escape of those with the promise of inheritance,

                                                    to the escape of those who know and are prepared:

                                                                                           to the preservation of the loved and found,

                                                                                           to the preservation of the loving and the righteous,

                                                                                           to the preservation of the families with their kings and queens of faith.

The days of thunder end with a great cleansing of the Earth,

                                                                            of the washing of the shorelines,

                                                                            of the shaking of the structures of man,

                                                                            of the deluges bringing flooding,

                                                                            of the storms of fire engulfing,

                                                                            of the raging of the vengeance of God clashing head on –

                                                                                                    with the wrath of man under the control of Satan.

The days of thunder ease into the recent memories of man,

                                 usher in a new beginning of man within the mortality of the multitudes:

                                                             welcome in the coming of the King of kings with the hosts of Heaven;

                                                             welcome in the changes in lifestyles about to become evident;

                                                             welcome in the edifice of God in its fullness of application and of being;

                                                             welcome in a new government on Earth as His Kingdom comes and His will is done.”


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