My Scrolls

The Fields of Wonder (25.3.16)

“The fields of wonder on the Earth of mortality are multi-shades of green.

The fields of wonder in the Heaven of eternity are multi-shades of blue:

                                                                           are seen with different eyes,

                                                                           are seen with a different light source,

                                                                           are seen from within a wider spectrum of emitted light.

The fields of wonder within My garden express the grounding of design on a different basis,

                                                     on much greater perception with extension of the colour wheel as known to man,

                                                     on much greater awareness of the shadings as they separate and merge,

                                                     on much greater control of artistry and scenery,

                                                                    as described upon a palette,

                                                                    as committed to expression,

                                                                    as applied to the clouds of variance throughout the lighting of the heavens –

                                                                            accompanied even so by the salutations birthed within the heart of man.

The fields of wonder in Heaven see everything initially with the eyesight of familiarity,

                                                                    where colours are unchanged until orientation completes:

                                                                                               when colours slowly assume the palettes of The Lord.

The fields of wonder within My garden vary with location,

                                                                vary with the settings,

                                                                vary with objectives,

                                                                vary both with input and with output from and to The Stars.

The fields of wonder within My garden vary with the contrast,

                                                                vary with the brightness,

                                                                vary with the content of the eye-scape,

                                                                vary with the colour density,

                                                                vary with the thought patterns designed to modify the fields of view.

The fields of wonder in the residence of the saints have highlights worthy of closeup examination,

                                                                                      worthy of inspection so movement can be explained,

                                                                                      worthy of the intent of tuning of the ear so sounds may be discovered
                                                                                                                                                                  with their meanings –

                                                                                                                            and conversations thereby begun.

The fields of wonder can be viewed with the colour of dominance,

                                                          with the colour of default,

                                                          with the colour of preference,

                                                          with the colour of familiarity,

                                                          with the colour of The Lord:

                                                                        can be reset with a change of thought.

The fields of wonder within My garden are tempered and sustained,

                                                                are fitted for display with support,

                                                                are prepared for the scheduled flashover for new scenes to be promoted so interest
                                                                                                                                              is maintained.

The fields of wonder give access to trial visits,

                                  give access to experience a differing reality,

                                  give access within the safety of the oversight of God.

The fields of wonder may be personalized to the preferences of a visitor,

                                                                    to the preferences of a resident,

                                                                    to the combined preferences of a gathering,

                                                                    to the preferences as set and used by God.

The fields of wonder are areas of special interest within the scoping of the eyes –

                                                                                              which are selected and prepared by God –

                                                                                                                 for the enjoyment of the residents at large.

The fields of wonder know the sourcing of vitality,

                                   know the importance of composition,

                                   know the profoundness of the decorator’s touch.

The fields of wonder know the layouts of the archipelagoes.

The fields of wonder submit willingly to inspection,

                                   submit willingly to exploration,

                                   submit willingly in aiding the resolving of many questions,

                                   submit willingly to welcoming the approaches of the saints.

The fields of wonder exist and are,

                                   experience and learn,

                                   do not come and go.

The fields of wonder uplift and hold in thrall,

                                   surprise and shatter pre-conceptions,

                                   exhibit and instruct,

                                   disclose and encourage,

                                   frequent and modify the attributes of both the visitors and residents.

The fields of wonder are many and abound;

                                   have many who are inbound,

                                   have some who come to stay,

                                   have farewells oft bordering on regrets,

                                   have farewells which speak of a return,

                                   have farewells set upon a continuum where time is not a guest.

The fields of wonder witness amazement on the faces,

                                   impress their properties on the senses,

                                   imprint their impressions on the memory banks attached to all the senses of the family of God.”


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