My Scrolls

The Garden of The Cross (26.5.16)

“The garden of the cross is evident to all,

                                           is the symbol of The Saviour as set for the targeting of man,

                                           is the symbol of The Father in a sacrifice of love,

                                           is the symbol of The Holy Spirit with His free gifts for man at Pentecost:

                                                                                                               man who dwells within his many temples of the Lord.

The garden of the cross is where the loving gather,

                                         is where the hurt and the incomplete are repaired and made whole,

                                         is where the Holy Spirit greets the temples in which He dwelt within the mortality of
                                                                                                                            the committed.

The garden of the cross is of special significance to the gentiles,

                                         is the goal set to be achieved within their lives,

                                         is the target described within the arrowhead of truth,

                                         is the blessing of the rider of the white horse at large—

                                                                                                        He who holds the bow—

                                                                                                        He who gathers the arrows on His ride—

                                                                                                        He who has released them,

                                                                                                                               and does release them still,

                                                                                                             to impart the knowledge of the garden filled with life.

The garden of the cross knows the sepulchre of burial,

                                         knows the residues left there with no further need for use,

                                         knows the glad tidings of great joy when the angel spoke.

The garden of the cross is a true wonder to behold:

                                             when displayed in all fullness before the senses of the being with a history of mortality.

The garden of the cross will be of significance to My people of the law,

                                                                               to My people still awaiting understanding—

                                                                                                           to be without the benefit of hindsight;

                                                                                                                   to be gathered:

                                                                                      they who knew and know their scriptures given for their guidance—

                                                                                                                                  via the Good News* of their time—

                                                                  as completed within their covenant of preparation with a foretold change in pace.

The garden of the cross beckons understanding,

                                         beckons wisdom,

                                         beckons love,

                                         beckons righteousness,

                                         beckons participation born of faith,

                                         beckons man determined on joining the family of God.

The garden of the cross has memories galore,

                                         has memories requiring forgiveness,

                                         has memories requiring an adjustment of an attitude,

                                         has memories forsaken in consignment to the past,

                                         has memories of hope amplified by grace,

                                         has memories of joy built upon the love of God.

The garden of the cross holds an extravagance of adventures,

                                         holds an extravagance of discoveries,

                                         holds an extravagance to attend the senses of the body soul and spirit—

                                                                              each deemed to be of interest to all coming from mortality—

                                                                                                       into a new location with the stars of God.

The garden of the cross does not dwell unduly on the past,

                                         does not dwell unduly in the present,

                                         does not dwell unduly in the present speeded up.

The garden of the cross has an inherent equilibrium where stress is no longer present,

                                                                                         where hope and truth prevail to overcome the bandwidth of anxiety,

                                                                                         where expectations co-exist to serve the cherished with their spirits
                                                                                                                                      and their souls.

The garden of the cross speaks of victory over sin,

                                         speaks of a troublemaker well imprisoned,

                                         speaks of an outcome to be repeated in the days of Armageddon.

The garden of the cross has sinew within its bones,

                                         has strength within its majesty,

                                         has truth within the actions of governance with justice,

                                         has outcomes arising from injustice where the faces of the plaintiffs now have smiles upon
                                                                                                                                                                                        the faces—

                                                                                          no longer shadowed by the past within mortality—

                                                                                                                    as such has now been well and truly put to bed.

The garden of the cross supports and carries life indefinitely,

                                         supports and carries life eternally,

                                         supports and carries life without an ending ever seen in sight.

The garden of the cross has the highest standards of performance,

                                         has the morality of God,

                                         has the attributes of purity as achieved by the participants,

                                         has the fulfilment of inheritance,

                                         has the rewards which travelled through the refiner’s fire.

The garden of the cross is the epitome of creation in completion of the circle:

                                                                                      in all aspects,

                                                                                               but one,

                                                                                                        once available within the garden known as Eden.”

Scribal Note: Refer Isaiah 52:13 - 53:12, Behold My Servant. The Bible, NKJV.


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