My Scrolls

The Maestro of The Intellect (28.3.16)

“The maestro of the intellect wears out the debates of man,

                                               wears out the theories of man,

                                               wears out the positing of man.

The maestro of the intellect turns the tables on the ill-prepared,

                                                                       on the ill-informed,

                                                                       on the ill-in-deed.

The maestro of the intellect silences the argument brought without due thought,

                                                                                 brought without the testimony of the simulation,

                                                                                 brought without the grounding required for a theory.

The maestro of the intellect harnesses a theory to seek its basis on the truth,

                                                                           to discover the flights of fancy which may bring it crashing down,

                                                                           to discover test and witness the strength of the foundations.

The maestro of the intellect studies and evaluates the extent of the assumptions,

                                             searches for the breaches of the protocols,

                                             expands on a reversion dependent on a unique location.

The maestro of the intellect constructs a timeline recording measured change with the willingness to revert,

                                             searches for consistency of approach within the methodology,

                                             finds the flaws of entrapment hidden in the presentations.

The maestro of the intellect examines the fineness of the detail,

                                                             the practicality of the measurements,

                                                             the quantity and quality of the sampling in the supporting of the numbers.

The maestro of the intellect evaluates and proposes,

                                             starts from the known and verifies the steps for validity –

                                                                            with probability for the ownership of function and the change within design.

The maestro of the intellect surveys and quantifies the keys to definitions,

                                                                                  the partaking scholarship involved,

                                                                                  the level of the qualified who would contribute to the points of view. 

The maestro of the intellect shuns the presentations repeating those of yesterday,

                                             shuns the footsteps which follow in the mud,

                                             shuns the grandstanders who want to make a name,

                                             shuns the thoughtless and the prideful who would seek a platform –

                                                                                                                     built by others –

                                                                                                   on which to stand with their proclamations full of holes.

The maestro of the intellect will not be shouted down by the impostors,

                                             will not be dethroned by the immature or deceitful,

                                                                                by the selective data gatherers at large,

                                                                                by assumptions born of fallacy which should not have seen the light of day.

The maestro of the intellect can silence his inquisitors as fixed in their stances,

                                             can silence the shallowness of arguments in pots which will not carry water,

                                             can silence the hangers-on dependent on the works of others –

                                                                                                  without the first-hand knowledge or experience,

                                             can silence the regurgitators of the dismissals known to yesterday,

                                             can silence the time-wasters and the charlatans in love with their own voices –

                                                                                                                                 regardless of the content.

The maestro of the intellect knows the exceptions which break the consistency bred of selection,

                                             knows the verifiers of the intricacies of design,

                                             knows the testifiers who live within their requirements of design:

                                                                                                  the requirements of inter-dependency;

                                                                                                  the requirements for simultaneous development as specialists;

                                                                                                                            within the skeins of life so both can interlink. 

The maestro of the intellect knows the answer to the questioning of man:

                                                                                                        of which came first ‘the chicken or the egg’;

                                                                                                        of significance and relevance to all external eggs upon The Earth.

The maestro of the intellect has practical experience in the fields in which he operates,

                                             has  membership within the triumvirate of God,

                                             has an assistant he knows well as reliable and trustworthy –

                                                                     who assists and is accurate in the transmitting of instructions,

                                                                     who is a specialist in installing the viability of proposals into the light of reality.

The maestro of the intellect sees the end-time spread of ‘flat earth’ beliefs:

                                                                    wherein the truth is not supportive of the claims;

                                                                    wherein the truth is not supportive of the evidence.

The maestro of the intellect sees the theory of evolution being taught to, 

                                                                                                     and proclaimed by,

                                                                                                               the intellectually insecure,

                                                                         while discrepancies of life associated with design are not addressed,

                                                               so the shell continues to have life while the internal is hollowed out and readied for decay.

The maestro of the intellect knows the theory of evolution awaits the cry that ‘the emperor has no clothes’
                                                                                                        when all will be revealed and embarrassingly dismissed.”


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