My Scrolls

The Call of The Lord


     the Lord,

           will go before My people that they may follow the Shepherd of the Flock.

           The sheep will hear My call.

The Call of the Lord will echo in the valleys of the Earth; 

                                  will roll across the plains of the Earth;

                                  will ascend from the mountains of the Earth.

The Call of the Lord will raise the dead from their graves,

                                  clothes the freewill of man,

                                  will not lift the soul of man,

                                  prepares man to stand in the courts on high.

The Call of the Lord is final:

                                  is definite;

                                  is joyful.

The Call of the Lord is that for which those who serve in Heaven wait.

The Call of the Lord plumbs the oceans of the Earth,

                                               the seas of the Earth,

                                               the waters of the Earth.

The Call of the Lord is to the bones of the dead,

                                  is to the bones of man,

                                  is heard by the bones of man,

                                  is spoken for the bones of man.

The Call of the Lord leaves the ashes where they lie.

       For the Temple of the Lord shall not be destroyed by fire,

              the Temple of the Lord that therein dwelt the spirit and freewill of men.

       For the Temple of the Lord,

                                       when clothed in righteousness,

                                       shall again be indwelt by man.

       For the Temple of the Lord,

                                       when judged,

                                       may again be indwelt by men.

       For the Temple of the Lord may be needed again by man.


       the Lord,

                am doing the Will of the Father.


       the Lord,

                am commissioning the Spirit afresh.


       the Lord,

                know the freewill of God.


       the Lord,

                know the freewill of man.


       the Lord,

                know the freewill of all creation.


       the Lord caused His people to turn from their evil ways:

                                       by hearing of the word—

                                                as taught by the servants of the Lord;

                                       through understanding of the word—

                                                as proclaimed by the servants of the Lord;

                                       by enacting of the word—

                                                as witnessed by the servants of the Lord.

The evil ways of Lucifer—

           were manifest in the lives of those who did not know the Lord;

           were evident in the lives of those who did not know the Lord;

           were displayed in the lives of those who did not know the Lord;

           were full-grown in the lives of those who did not know the Lord;

           were recognized in the lives of those who did not know the Lord.

The evil ways of Lucifer were rebuked by the Lord,

                                         were reviled by the Lord,

                                         were condemned by the Lord,

                                         were atoned by the Lord,

                                         were forbidden to the people of the Lord.

The people did not care,

                   would not listen,

                   have not heard.

The people now are called,

                                   by the Spirit,

                                   to renounce their sinful ways.

The people now must come on bended knee before the Lord.

             The bended knee may still save man from the wrath of God,

                                         shall show man’s penitence to God,

                                         shall save the Loved of God.

The Loved of God must now repent before the Banquet of the Lord,

                               must now recant the treasures of their lives,

                               must now increase their treasuries in Heaven.

             The treasuries of Heaven will not decrease,

                                                    store the eternal wealth of man.

             The wealth of man cannot come from the wealth of Lucifer.

             The wealth of man must be stored by man,

                                           must be claimed by man.

Man must not build the wealth of Lucifer,

        must not command the servants of Lucifer,

        must not approve the deeds of Lucifer,

        must not emulate the works of Lucifer,

        must not worship Lucifer.”


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