“The fountain of youth is not something which should be mourned,
is not something for the yearning of the heart,
is not the answer to a prayer.
The fountain of youth is the catch-cry of maturity which is looking in the past,
is the figment of imagination never built on fact,
is the wistful backward glance at a body supposedly in its prime.
The fountain of youth encompasses the whole of the mortality of man –
the bursting forth with new life implanted –
the arising forth with My Spirit’s presence –
the uplifting forth with the blessing of The Father –
ennobled in the gown of life.
The fountain of youth does not decry the concept;
rather adjusts the period of validity in the unfolding life of man.
The fountain of youth describes man’s early blossoming in a wonderland of discovery,
as he walks the path of intended destiny,
as he walks the path where his God looks on upon the daily scene,
upon the nightly scene,
upon the scene not readily confessed.
The fountain of youth does not condone the mistakes of man,
does not over-ride the consequences,
does not neutralize the negatives with positives.
The fountain of youth is not a panacea for the troubles of man,
the desires of man,
the immaturity of man.
The fountain of youth describes the highpoint in the mortality of man:
the fountaining of My Spirit when first the water is turned on,
the quenching of the thirst as the living water puts a seal upon a temple,
the giftings of My Spirit as the attributes are discovered for display,
the onset of a relationship with God –
which augurs well for the future life of man.”
“The fountain of youth is not something which should be mourned,
is not something for the yearning of the heart,
is not the answer to a prayer.
The fountain of youth is the catch-cry of maturity which is looking in the past,
is the figment of imagination never built on fact,
is the wistful backward glance at a body supposedly in its prime.
The fountain of youth encompasses the whole of the mortality of man –
the bursting forth with new life implanted –
the arising forth with My Spirit’s presence –
the uplifting forth with the blessing of The Father –
ennobled in the gown of life.
The fountain of youth does not decry the concept;
rather adjusts the period of validity in the unfolding life of man.
The fountain of youth describes man’s early blossoming in a wonderland of discovery,
as he walks the path of intended destiny,
as he walks the path where his God looks on upon the daily scene,
upon the nightly scene,
upon the scene not readily confessed.
The fountain of youth does not condone the mistakes of man,
does not over-ride the consequences,
does not neutralize the negatives with positives.
The fountain of youth is not a panacea for the troubles of man,
the desires of man,
the immaturity of man.
The fountain of youth describes the highpoint in the mortality of man:
the fountaining of My Spirit when first the water is turned on,
the quenching of the thirst as the living water puts a seal upon a temple,
the giftings of My Spirit as the attributes are discovered for display,
the onset of a relationship with God –
which augurs well for the future life of man.”