My Scrolls

The Distractions of Man (21.2.09)

“The distractions of man are many and varied.

The distractions of man are not to be confused with the works of God.

The distractions of man serve gods of double-mindedness.

The distractions of man draw man to himself.

The distractions of man draw man away from God.

The distractions of man steal the contents of his time.

The distractions of man bear resemblances to the placement of a child’s toys upon a floor.

The distractions of man require a bended knee to repair the damage.

The distractions of man cause lapses in concentration.

The distractions of man are instigated by the one who comes to plunder the time-span of man.

The distractions of man give no surety of return.

The distractions of man give no surety of reward.

The distractions of man give no surety of love in an old age.

The distractions of man give no surety that all is well within a family.

The distractions of man do not care for man.

The distractions of man bring a holocaust of poverty.

The distractions of man are designed to beggar.

The distractions of man are intended to enslave with things of little worth attained at great expense.

The distractions of man occupy his life time.

The distractions of man do not bring happiness upon reflection.

The distractions of man enhance an image only in the imagination.

The distractions of man tear children from a throne.

The distractions of man send spouses to a dungeon.

The distractions of man are evidence of selfishness.

The distractions of man accumulate and are stored.

The distractions of man break and are discarded.

The distractions of man do not decorate the gowns of life.

The distractions of man dwell with lips open with excuses,

                                                 with ears immune to many pleas,

                                                 with eyes that do not want to see.

The distractions of man should be seen for what they are,

                                       should be ignored without commitment,

                                       should not be picked-up and examined.

The distractions of man bring sorrow to a home.

The distractions of man bring contentment for a moment.

The distractions of man supersede the heart-cries for attention that would normally be heard.

The distractions of man change lifestyles for the worse.

The distractions of man create no sense of gratitude.

The distractions of man oversee the wayward passing of the time of man.

The distractions of man are of little or no benefit when seen on the landscape of a life.

The distractions of man will eventually be impounded.

The distractions of man will eventually be deeply regretted.

The distractions of man will eventually become spears of accusation that will wound the soul.

The distractions of man will eventually be burnt in flames of fire that cause no shadow on the earth.

The distractions of man will eventually put in jeopardy a destiny considered safe.”

1Cor 7:35 (NKJV)

“And this I say for your own profit, not that I may put a leash on you, but for what is proper, and that you may serve the Lord without distraction.”


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