My Scrolls

The Banner on The Way (20.1.09)

“The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey in the making.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey worth following.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey of accompaniment.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey of participation,

                                                    a journey of declaration,

                                                    a journey of restoration.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey of the record,

                                                    a journey of assistance,

                                                    a journey of service.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a journey of great distance,

                                              has a journey of great heights,

                                              has a journey of great depths –

                                                                             into the soul of man.

The Banner of the Kingdom seeks company that sings,

                                              seeks company that is joyous,

                                              seeks company that prays.

The Banner of the Kingdom is at home within the vanguards,

                                              is at home within the residents, 

                                              is at home within the travellers.

The Banner of the Kingdom is at home within the saints.

The Banner of the Kingdom has a time-frame for succession.

The Banner of the Kingdom is as the trumpet call of God.

The Banner of the Kingdom is at the crossroads of time.

The Banner of the Kingdom sees the changing of an age.

The Banner of the Kingdom has been blessed by The Father.

The Banner of the Kingdom has been unfurled by The Lion,

                                              accompanies The Lamb.

The Banner of the Kingdom has edges hedged with fire that does not scorch.

The Banner of the Kingdom confirms the future of man.

The Banner of the Kingdom confirms the life expectancy of man.

The Banner of the Kingdom confirms the importance of the placement of the faith of man,

                                                             the importance of the faith of man,

                                                             the importance of the being of man.

The Banner of the Kingdom confirms the lifelong need of the soul of man.”


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